
Замир Осоров
Europe and America - this is our home, where all people behave like children and good relatives. Everyone politely greets you when crossed with you somewhere outside and it seems they afraid to offend you with something and avoid  such impression for any costs.
When we find ourselves in this situation, we often feel and behave like an elephant in a china shop. It’s simply not customary for us to be like that, and we are used to always and everywhere showing either our strength and aggression, or our weakness and helplessness.


A person in a free country gradually finds its true essence, which was hidden or oppressed while he lived in a non-free country. It is, indeed, like returning home after many years of living in an unhealthy environment or even in custody.
The truth is that no one was created for prison or for life in authoritarian regime, despite the maccive life-longed propaganda, but everyone wants in the end to return to Europe as to own home. According to residents of the Baltic countries, "after 25 years, we already notice how we are changing for the better and are becoming more and more like Europeans."
 We, the Kyrgyz and all inhabitants of Central Asia, have often felt ourselves so hard and uncomfortable from the lack of this freedom, warmth and love around us, even if we lived in our native land and home.