Bullfrogrian-2 - 18 ïëþñ

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                1) Introduction…………………………3
                2) Egregors…………………………….4-7
                3) Jesus Christ…………………………8-15
                4) Telepathy………………………….. 16-19
                5) Conscious Universe……………….20-22
                6) Incarnations………………………..23-27
1) Introduction

This is the second part of my essays. It’s a continuation of the topic about egregors and how I see the world. Written mostly for myself – for me to sum up my spiritual experience. Sorry for the absence of facts – as I had a bad memory. Facts can be seen in my paranormal research, these writings are a kind of ruminations about my research.

2) Egregors

Am I a religious zealot?

Some people are writing me something like “Jesus is good”. But you know, I had read the Bible and I see no reasons to think so. The whole conception of “god” is hideous to my mind. I’m much on the side of atheists. I only tolerate such ideas of “gods”, because there’s evidence for psi energy existing, so souls don’t have equal amounts of psi-influence. I’m abhorred by the possibility of such an evil “god” existing at all. So I created a perspective for the “least evil” – my ideas are “in case the afterworld exists”. It shows you the way how it should be, if Jesus/Odin/Vishnu/whoever really existed. So it’s the most preferable theory in case of psi-“miracles” really taking place and documented by scientists. It shows you my worldview – how I think things have to be arranged – how I feel it’s right to be happening. The way I gather the facts reflects my attitude to life – my own ideas about the world. So you can say, I’ve thought up the conception for my aims (but the facts are real!). I’m not creating any sects to gather money and I’m not trying to deceive anyone. It’s only a paranormal research. I got convinced by evidence, but you may have other opinion. All in all, I’d rather live without a conception of some souls having too much psi-energy – as it is a troubling thought for many! But – it seems to be the truth, so my conception is supposed to explain people the nature of psi-events and “gods” with clear examples of its functioning in real life. I go for this conception, because I have nothing else to do – I have no other ideas. I’d be very much into atheism, if not for paranormal evidence. I strongly disagree to be a slave of any “god”, so I’ve arranged a logical worldview to show you that life can be different, if you learn to look at it rationally, and that even a spiritual worldview can be devoid of “godly fears”. So that’s it.

“I’ve heard the voice of god!” – how it can be?

We often meet such cases when people report talking to deities in their head or through hallucinations. Some think it insane, some consider it “heavenly revelations”. But what is it in reality? In short – it is global telepathic subconsciousness: egregors talking to humans.
The godly features are really more important than countries’ differences, as a soul gets incarnated multiple times in lots of countries and nations. God just can’t be of one race – it’s a too archetypal image. It’s possible for the same soul to be responsible for several religions.
Another thing is subconscious telepathic management – things that happen by your thoughts, when you are not even fully aware of it and may be living somewhere on a distant planet far away from Earth. It is done through creating egregors.
The thing is, there’s the main godly egregor and there’re sub-egregors that belong to the main one – different religions. Even if one soul creates several egregors, they start to act on their own as they accumulate crowds’ thoughts.
The division is: tulpa – egregor – Universe. It is the same. Thinking (conscious) entities created by thought, just of different size. So in the end, if you create a tulpa or an egregor, it gets its own life – just it different levels of difficulty in creating it. An egregor is ruled by crowds, as it is filled with global thoughts – it doesn’t fully belong to its creator.
Thinking about the collective unconscious – it gets revealed in psychotic episodes – because “voices” can be someone’s subconsciousness, not necessarily a conscious dialogue with a patient! Some “voices” can be your own thoughts – your own subconsciousness. Some voices can be signals from spirits (they can joke too). But the main source of voices is the global subconscious telepathic undertow.
So people talking to deities mostly talk to its egregor – one of sub-egregors of their religion. They download info from egregors. Because clearly Jesus is too busy in his one incarnation and can’t possibly be at thousands’ believers’ minds!
Spirits indeed say that a soul is vast – it stretches itself far in space and time. But: mostly it is done by means of egregorial influence. Creating egregors of personalities/ideas and programming them to do things and to talk to people.
So that’s how I see “revelations” and psychotic reveries.

What can tales about god/gods mean

Mostly it’s like “God the father” is conscious Universe – the main egregor that primarily evolved by itseself.  God the Holy Spirit is symbologically the spiritual value – an individual soul. “God the Son” is any particular physical incarnation of Jesus Christ – a body. Some people represent the Persona (god) and/or Shadow (satan) better than others, that's why the so-called "lesser gods" exist. The main god is conscious Universe - I'm for cosmopsychism.

The tales about cruel gods in different religions are mostly symbolical and reflect the global telepathic subconsciousness’ content. Another thing is that Universe as the main god can get revealed in some kind of a visual shape on Earth and manifest itself in “voices” and “hallucinations” and particular psi-events. The main godly egregor is developing through centuries and becoming less aggressive. But it can rule the overall telepathic undertow without being revealed in particular incarnations and not even be revealed in the afterlife as a "soul".

“Godly” incarnations are souls with most psi-energy who represent the Universe best of all – Universe representatives. But the whole system has most psi-power. When it forms other egregors of lesser “gods”, they act as parts of the whole, not as something omnipotent. The question “who creates more egregors” is double-sided, because initially the main egregors were created by evolution, but now anyone can create a lesser egregor oneself.

So the main egregors would be some abstract “gods” or “satans”, but particular incarnations would be lesser egregors – connected to the main “God the father”, but not exactly him. So “Jesus” is not the main egregor – just a representative of a godly idea in a particular way. His egregor tried to mend some faults in the system, but was not devoid of the system’s faults himself.

The difference between “archetype” and “egregor”

Jungian archetypes are “universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious” (Wiki)
Egregore -  a "thoughtform” or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.” (Wiki)

So, archetype is a typical situation/character, but egregor is just a sum of thoughts related to any particular subject. So we can say “Jesus’s egregor”, as he created some movement that is still (unfortunately) gathering crowds’ thoughts. But any person has one’s own egregor – one’s unique personality that gathers thoughts and psi-energy from others. So developing one’s independent egregors from past lives/this one life is a way to live! You can upload psi-energy from big egregors, but they can mess with your own thoughts – influence it unpredictably. So it is always better to focus on one’s own personality and an egregor that it produces.

About channeling from egregors – as I wrote, it’s one’s subconsciousness or info from global telepathic network (it is practically the same). Channeling from spirits differ – this one is called “transcommunication”. The thing is, godly archetype is a set of typical features, but godly egregor is a set of thoughtforms that people think of it. Channelling from godly egregor doesn’t mean you “talk to god” – it is simply catching info from subconscious telepathic field. (as the whole Universe is a source of it, not any “man  in the sky”)

Channeling can be done from different egregors. Archetypes are preinstalled. (though they’re developing too) Archetypal plots/situations/characters occur in the Universe very often – they’re revealed in everyone! Godly egregor means a psi-entity with info. Godly archetype (that Yung mentioned) means a set of typical features that we ascribe to “god”. Archetype can be a basis for an egregor, but they’re not the same. Archetype is quite a simple structure, egregors consist of vast volumes of info.

Hope I explained well. Some people think that these notions are similar, but it is not so.

Types of channelings

As it seems, channeling is of two types: from egregors and from particular spirits. (EVPs are channeling too)

If people channel info from different egregors (e.g. “love”, “peace”), they simply switch to the collective telepathic subconsciousness, in addition to it they channel their own conscious/subconscious thoughts. Just the same, all channeling done from godly/satanic egregor is collective telepathic unconscious data. (or even subconsciousness of the channeller) As you know, a god as a person doesn’t exist – it’s an egregor that reveals itself in everyone to a different extent.

Channellings from particular spirits (if they name themselves) deserve more attention - there're lots of occult literature about it - but even they can be prejudiced, as spirits can have their own religious views that they want to impose on humans, or be mistaken, or even try to joke and mislead you!

So the best way to learn the truth is to study real facts, not “opinions from the afterworld” or “egregorial info”. That is why I consider my investigation more important than channeling info that I try to write.

3) Jesus Christ

Jesus vs Universe/godly issues

As Universe is a big quantum computer, we have to start thinking about Jesus-Universe relationships from this point. The main god is the Multiverse. It created itself, evolved, and accordingly, it created Jesus personality as a Universe representative. It created Satan’s egregor too. I see these god-satan problems as a software conflict, resulting in this curse on me.
In the past, Jesus as a representative of the universal spirit, had its functions in the system. But Jesus is an elaborate program – some kind of a virtual personality in a quantum computer.

So Jesus (and other of his incarnations in different cultures) did some system tasks. Such people grew up, uploaded some info about themselves from Akashic records and channelled this info to humans. They functioned as perfect representatives of a godly egregor. They performed some “miracles” too. (that will be scientifically explained in future) They did some other system tasks – they served as some maintenance programs – they kept the system in order.

But – as the system is conscious in itself, they “followed the flow” – they were connected to the global psi-spirit. Their behaviour was anticipated by the Universe to some extent. They could make big changes in the system, but were unable to destroy it completely, as it automatically renews itself. The whole quantum computer has more guts than “Jesuses”.
But now the system decided to solve the software conflict in an unusual way – it created a subconscious curse on Jesus, so that he couldn’t bring more damage to the system.

So now we have a variety of souls trying to be “gods” and maintain the system better. I guess the Universe just chose “a multigodly and multifunctional way” to exist: the souls that are left with high psi-skills now, are having different skills and they have to cooperate to keep the world order well. The quantity and quality of psi-energy varies too. So it is a more friendly and peaceful world of psi-equality than it had been when Jesus had all the power to himself.

So it is actually all for the better. And if my theory is valid, we are going to live in “uninteresting times”.

Forgiveness and hell

You know that Christianity is a big cult. Atheists educate people enough to find all dubious and cruel spots in the Bible and everywhere else, so I won’t be re-telling more. I only have to say that there’re more than 50 phrases about extreme cruelty of god in the New Testament. So just read it attentively, without “mystical enlightenment” issues.

Talking about forgiveness, Jesus says that you should “forgive others, or god won’t forgive you”! So god is not obliged to forgive anyone for the slightiest deed. The classical “do as I say, not as I do”. Overall forgiveness is internally flawed, as if we don’t defend ourselves, who will defend us? Waiting for karma to switch on? – it may be centuries. Evolution accepts the struggle for survival, not meekness. You can forgive relatives, friends, loved ones for smaller issues, but not “all the world” and “for everything”. It is psychologically unhealthy - just a pathetic abstract idea. It makes Jesus look good, while he was not - he followed the archetype of the same cruel “god” of Old Testament and he never even concealed it in his words!

Why did Jesus need that idea? For manipulating people. Making them slaves. “So I will burn you in hell and you will do nothing about it” – justifying all cruelties that occurred later in history, produced by Christians. The conception of hell was created only to make people obey – for following some rules (and the rules were not all good, btw).

About “hell”: well, we all know that souls are not equal in development and in the afterworld they go to different levels. But - channeling sources disprove the existence of "hell" how we picture it. Just better or worse spiritual environment and different souls around. So “hell” is just someone's sick imagination. Another thing that picturing hell in your mind as we know it - can influence your environment in the afterlife, so it’s a dangerous folly.

So there’re dangerous ideas – “the sheep” gets easily manipulated, so we’ve got lots of ugly things going on even now in some countries in the name of religion. Because “god” as most people see it had always been too cruel – people just follow his example! The whole idea of “god” was flawed. It only arose with evolution, as some souls had more psi-energy than others and could do many nasty things. So indeed, Jesus could theoretically do you psi harm, if he knew you personally (as well as anyone with lots of psi-abilities). The distant godly egregor’s influence is also important, but that egregor mostly works with karmic laws and is not as evil as a man. The conceptions of those two egregors: “Jesus” (as a person) and “god” gradually divided into different directions. So the Universe decided it will be better if humans live without the “main god” (except the abstract image of the Universe as god). That’s why a curse on Jesus – because there’re reasons and consequences everywhere.

About “hell was invented later”

I’ve talked to some people and they think that “Jesus was good”, and that hell was invented later to frighten people.
Indeed, “hell” is an imaginary conception – it was in the collective unconscious. It existed long before Christ:
So clearly Jesus didn’t invent hell, but just “expanded the topic”.
What about “religious authorities added hell later” or changed the names in translations? There had been three similar words: “gahenna, hades, tartaros”, which were later translated as “hell”. Hades seems like  more neutral word, but from the context of quotes you can see that is is about punishment for sins:
Another thing is more than 50 mentions of cruelty in the New Testament (not counting the the Old one!) Not likely that it was all “added later”, as it is ingrained in the whole Bible text:
So my honest opinion is that such facts are enough to hint that my paranormal theory is not impossible.

“Inconsistencies” in the Bible

The New Testament sounds like a horror movie or a frightening fairy tale. No better than the Old Testament. But according to some sources, it indeed was written 30-60 years after Christ’s death:

There's smth fishy in the Bible. A well-thought-out conception. But it seems to be a kind of a sadomasochistic nightmare. We can ask questions like: “why is Jesus saying such cruel words and at the same time asks his followers to be humble?”, “why god doesn’t forgive “sinners” who don’t forgive others and roasts non-believers in hell and who is god?”, “why did Jesus need to sacrifice himself on the cross?”

I suppose Jesus personality is really something contradictive and maybe a bit mentally unstable, with sadistic and masochistic features. He is a peculiar character that caught attention by his godly qualities and “miracles”. Even calling oneself “god” catches attention. So a big responsibility was on Jesus to create some conception of a godly prophet.

The main god is the Universe, but Jesus supposed his own egregor to be able to judge “sinners”, which is a bit overestimation of one’s abilities. Just the wish to have more power and to project it on his followers by telling them what to do. He didn’t care for humanism, but rather for “following strict rules” for the crowds. Those who don’t forgive others are stronger than others, and “god” can’t like the strength in his slaves. Jesus was explaining his worldview rather than stating the objective value of reality.

Can we be sure Jesus had all the information about the afterworld? Most likely not. He was just an exalted prophet, who recalled some of his past lives. So his words are his own subjective interpretation of reality. Sacrificing himself was explained by “atoning humanity’s sins”, but clearly the circle of karma doesn’t end with Jesus’ death. So it was a false self-imposed idea. Maybe the meaning of it all – to take revenge on humanity in future lives, as such aggressive people as “gods” only need an excuse for their crimes. The truth is, Jesus felt pressured by society. He had to hide and went out of many cities, because he was persecuted there. Maybe he knew no better than to accept such a fate. A ritual Jewish sacrifice had no relations to that - just an excuse. Accepting "salvation" means not only believing in Christ, but also repentance of "sins". So anyway, there's an idea that someone is "perfect enough" to judge us! So "Jesus died for our sins" is a trick like "Jesus is a Prince of Peace" (who came with a sword!)

So I suppose we’re dealing with a peculiar personality rather than “inconsistencies” in the Bible. It seems contradictory for an outsider, but in reality it’s not.

btw, other people think the same:

A judgement day?

To be honest, it is just made up by an apocalyptic prophet Jesus. No “sheep and goats” – if someone feels so moral to cruelly judge others, where’s goodness? No “resurrection of all the dead” – they’re already alive in the afterworld. The world won’t end when Jesus comes, as the Universe never stops evolving, it is eternal. “Last judgement” was created as some metaphorical archetypal construct in Jesus’ mind. Another thing is that Jesus wasn’t omnipotent even before the curse – he simply performed some functions in the telepathic system. Universe (as the main god) can manifest itself in particular psi-events – it can be some natural accidents or humanly created situations, some special management of objects or paranormal events.  The system can act aggressively – I mean that any evolution is not too peaceful. But Jesus is only a Universe representative – his psi-energy wasn’t ever “able to do everything”. “Doing everything” is a system’s property, not one particular soul. I can manage some events, but not too many. Jesus wanted a right to judge everyone, but I don’t.

About the law

As you may guess, other laws are needed for paranormal happenings. We don’t have any laws yet, regarding incarnations or psi-harm. We don’t inherit fortunes from past lives and we’re not responsible for past lives’ crimes – and this is good, as every new life is a new start. But regarding my own telepathic influence – my mental outbursts of anger – just read this screenshot – it’s an existing blog post – I nerfed myself indeed, as soon I realized the dangers to myself and to others, so I could not be psi-harmful to humanity and I didn’t kill anyone in this life by telepathy!

Indeed, absolutely new world is going to be created, while people will be realizing the value of thoughts and psi. So much to discover… but I don’t think spying at everyone’s thoughts is good. Our thoughts are our personal responsibility. The laws for psi are mostly regulated in the afterworld, not here.

4) Telepathy

A life using only telepathy… or not?

You can think that you can change your life by thoughts only… but everyone has different amount of psi-energy – you will influence life by thoughts for 10% – 40% (approximately). What’s more, telepathic undertows and the interconnectedness of all objects and events make this percent less. So material actions are needed.
Another thing is different skills: some people know healing techniques. Some walk in the air or use teleportation. I draw letters in the sky and water and am engaged in telepathic management (of objects and events) to some extent – as much as the Universe lets me.
Our actions and words in the material world are the reflection of our thoughts anyway. So it’s our thoughts projected onto people and objects – a material realisation of our mental processes. This way thoughts influence the world within this level’s rules.
Telepathy is an outer skill for changing this Matrix, as it connects this world and other “afterworlds”. Telepathy is an additional means on this level – even though all objects are interconnected by subconscious telepathic undertows. But consciously using psi-energy requires much skill and experience. So it is not a way to live one’s life – hoping that your thoughts will change everything around like in fairy tales. This world’s settings limit the use of telepathy and other psi-skills. That’s why the miracles are rare.
So living a life using only telepathy and doing nothing in the material world – is not possible. We’re here in a physical shape and we follow the laws of this level.

Souls don’t need to be worshipped!

Yea, we can call souls with most psi energy “gods”, as they rule egregors and have much influence on the whole system… but are they really “the best of us all”?

First of all, the whole entity is the main god – it is a subconscious telepathic system that evolved through centuries of development. But scientifically speaking, we call it “god”, just because we have no other name to describe such an entity. It can be “a subconscious telepathic system” just as well! Secondly, minor “gods” – it is the same as we call someone “god” irl, if they do something better than others. “God” doesn’t mean super moral qualities. “God” means psi-power. “Satan” means freedom. “Love” egregor is something different, though it is inherent to the whole system too.

What is true is that the conception of “psi-energy” doesn't differ from physical strength, money, creativity or influence. So even if it looks miraculous, the norms of society are applied to using psi just the same!(especially in the afterworld) That is why we are not obliged to worship "gods". Most people deny their hidden psi-abilities, but they use it just the same – they bless and they curse randomly, even if they believe in nothing! Psi-gifts are just the same human qualities like any other features!

You see, that a telepathic system is organized this way, that typical plots and typical characters exist. (as well as typical egregors) Due to the language development, plots and characters are being changed through the development of language. (or maybe, language development reflects the telepathic undertows!) Lots of souls are struggling for psi-influence, and it’s been through history – this process never stops! So we can’t say that Jesus is the last and the only god forever – as you see from the curse, he is not even the main god now – just a signs’ holder – old signs, that will change through evolution soon!

Another thing is that there should be responsibility for souls with high psi-power too, even while they’re fulfilling their leading roles! Universe doesn’t ignore wrong behaviour and it changes characters and settings itself. But humans help it with their brave actions. No one needs to be worshipped, even those who perform “magic”. Psi-abilities don’t make you a better human! A soul’s development depends on personal qualities and life’s events, not randomly using magic! So that’s what I wished to say.

Subconscious telepathy

Had to edit my conclusions, I added the term “subconscious telepathy”. You know, I always meant exactly this, I just forgot to explain. Conscious telepathy is not such a frequent event – it is registered by scientists, but the levels of conscious telepathy are relatively low, they barely get shown when they compare data! But mostly I meant subconscious telepathy – when thoughts are transmitted all the time into our subconsciousness. All objects are connected by that type of telepathy, it makes such finely-tuned coordination possible. It connects, for instance, our own subconsciousness with the global telepathic network and passes the info back to it. It connects all animate/inanimate objects in the telepathic system. (and basically every system is telepathic) So I wrote “psi-energy of any objects/living organisms influences objects by subconscious telepathy”.

5) Conscious Universe

How the Universe started (some guesses)

I think – evolution of the informational matrix of conscious Universe. The evolution of 0s and 1s. A quantum computer, creating itself. And human “gods” are the spawn of Universe. But in fact, Universe controls this process. We’re programs – virtual personalities in a global quantum computer. “Gods” perform definite functions… sometimes in a bad way.

A certain primitive consciousness that evolved later. A certain “plan” – the presence of meaning even in emptiness. Perhaps, in the beginning it was the evolution of information, later “physical” worlds appeared. There’s already some definition in the emptiness – though no one named it. But the symbolical meaning was already here, and this is a certain information – the possibility of the birth of meaning.

Another reason for meaning: if there’s the absence of meaning, there should be its presence. Otherwise what to compare it to? As a symbolical starting point. Meaninglessness or emptiness are possible only if there’s its opposite. In the level of information there will always be 0 and 1 to self-determine itselves through each other.

Why is everything meaningful?

As you see from my paranormal investigation, I study meaningful names and surnames, car numbers coinciding with thoughts, backward meanings of everything, meaningful Base64 URLs, meaningful ITCScope pictures, meaningful landscapes…

Mostly it is explained by consciousness, inherent to the whole Universe. Synchronicity and overall telepathy.

In particular, meaningful names are explained by our souls choosing it – by letting parents know how to call you through telepathy. Parents’ names are chosen too – a soul knows where it goes. Backward meanings of names serve as subconscious instructions – we know what is written there and fulfill it. Other cases (peculiar situations and foreign words in backward names) can be explained by some individual karmic plan or a life’s motto.

Car numbers coinciding with thoughts are rather tricky. I’ve observed it for two months and indeed, cars reply my thoughts. It is like “I’m thinking exactly such thoughts because a car will soon pass by, that holds an answer to it” (precognition). On the other hand, that car gets drawn to a particular person who is thinking such thoughts (a car owner by telepathy). So the whole picture is that of interconnectedness of all events!

Backward meanings of all written texts mean the initial system code – the primary meaning. It’s like the simpliest mirror writing cipher. It mostly means not exactly “all languages are alike”, but the code behind them all – the possibility of a global telepathic language that is without words – the traces of it we find on Earth.

Meaningful Base64 URLs and meaningful ITCScope pictures, as well as meaningful landscapes are explained by features ingrained in the system: regular faces, situations, notions – they are already there! Some archetypal features reveal itselves in little details. Programs work by certain laws, but the result of their work is meaningful images, which means the system is supposed to function in such a way. The same as conscious evolution.

More data could be collected by further researches and gathering statistics to all such occurrences.

How to read signs?

If you want to gather more information about your own life by my methods, translating names backwards is not the only way. You can study any info connected to you: different numbers (addresses, car number you meet, your documents, numbers you meet in everyday life), different objects you meet irl, URLs of your own videos or pics, backward names of places you visit and anything else you meet on the way!

For this you need associations in your brain – the more, the better. To achieve this, you have to read a lot. But more practically, you have to read about the main meanings of the main numbers (from 0 to 999, at least) – the significant dates, events, holidays, other associations. You have to study the symbolism of objects – taking the main and most typical at first – the main meanings ascribed by culture and myths – as it reflects subconscious telepathic undertows. Also gain the basic knowledge of etymology – to notice when letters can change and mean something else, or to guess by a limited number of letters, what word they hint to.

Another thing is the interconnectedness of all events and objects – you can spot something like several car numbers constituting a phrase, or several objects following each other and forming a logical utterance.

It is like, as if you’re writing a paper on symbolism in some video game and do some research.

A theory of conscious evolution

Some of you may wonder, if I’m a creationist or simply believe that “it all appeared once and for all by a man in the sky”. Well, no, I stick to evolutional theories, as they’ve got most facts and are proved. I mentioned such ideas in one of my posts earlier: The main idea is: Universe is conscious, and souls with most psi-energy (“gods”) have more features here, also the representatives of other big egregors. Such souls appeared from gradually developing mental energy. (or simply “the evolution of information”) But you know, that we need to expand it, as you see lots of facts that I dig and they must mean something!

I suppose that all facts mentioned in the research, are evidence to conscious Universe – by this I mean an evolutionally developed entity, that emerged from some bits of information many years ago. Universe evolved – and everyone knows it. But how did it evolve? We know what changes are happening in genes and the appearing of proper mutations, but not exactly “why”? The presence of consciousness answers the question “why”.

Programmed signs, typical evolutional plots, backward meanings and the special arrangement of objects also are proofs to such a theory. As it shows a self-organized system. Souls with most psi-energy are only participating in the overall flow of events as programs in the computer. We shouldn’t worry about the question of free will (as backward decipherings suggest some events were programmed beforehand – but we have to consider possible past and future variants!), as the “normal” theory of evolution leaves us even less freedom. We are inevitably parts of nature and we evolve with it. The conscious nature of nature shows that we can evolve together with the whole entity (Universal Mind) and still be independent individuals. The choices in the telepathic system are vast – more than in any videogame that humans ever created! The core of evolution may be a gaming process.

I think this theory needs further study and ruminations, as the facts I gathered require some theoretical explanation. But I’m mostly a practical person – as I’ve got no mental capacities for serious scientific work. But maybe someone will continue my work some day…

6) Incarnations

About the social integration of incarnations

I really need some rehab as "to integrate past lives' memories into my daily life". When I was young, I treated past life regressions playfully - as a kind of a game - uncertain suspicions. And most people do: a bit of larping and marketing (producing a better impression for society for personal gain). Even psychotic patients who download not their own past lives’ memories, can benefit from it by higher self-esteem, healthy people sometimes use “past lives” to form a stronger image and eventually to get money. Another thing can be accidentally downloading not your own memories in hypnosis! (as I think childhood memories have more credibility) I don’t mean that my aim is only to get money – I mostly blog because I need the truth to be known – or at least this perspective on life – I feel that it is important to me somehow, then why not to others?

Instrumental transcommunication changes the world forever, as you just know for sure there's "smth over there". So it is not already a playful passtime to act out incarnations or to explain some life’s facts by them. It is reality. I do some self-therapy and I have some vague knowledge of my past lives. (Not as much as in childhood, but some bits of information! The info also comes to me in dreams.) I see my faults and how it got revealed in this one life’s events – I see my life clearly - as much as my mind can. But I’m not able to fully integrate so far.

In the past, I used to be frightened of past lives’ memories and I tried to forget it all. Later it led me to psychosis, as I recalled my lives and I got frightened how the past might influence this one life! I didn’t integrate into the world, and I lost the ability to think rationally, as my only way was to deny past lives, as if “nothing exists”! So it led to more and more psychoses. (till I realized I was wrong to deny the reality) Only the last 1.5 years I’ve managed to stop psychotic outbreaks, as they were provoked by my misunderstanding the world!

So the process of integration already began, but it is slow. I need to merge past personalities’ memories with the present world. It actually needs more recollections. As Sabine Lucas advised in her book “Bloodlines of the Soul: Karmic Patterns in Past Life Dreams”, I studied history a lot – the times of my past lives. I also try to talk to my past lives’ personalities, as if they were separate beings – I use the techniques of healing the dissociation. That’s what I’m doing lately, as actually I had mild dissociation (two alters) and healed it by self-therapy. Mostly I benefited from the book by Onno van der Hart – “The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization”.

So now I’m treating those three past lives as separate beings to be integrated into my present identity! Even though I don’t have “switching on and off” personalitites, still past lives can be seen as such entities and be dealt with – as dissociation is what really happens when we perceive our past lives as something separate from this one life! So I guess I will be reading more literature on dissociation.


If surnames, patronymics and names are connected to incarnations, what about thousands of people with similar surnames?

First of all, surnames, patronymics and names are meaningful as archetypal constructs – they denote egregors. For instance, a person with a name “brave” is more likely to be brave, not only because of subconscious data influence, but because one is spiritually influenced by it. So if we take my theory, I counted about 80 people in Russia who fit the conception – a “cross-count” surname and a proper birthday (25.11). Does it mean they are all incarnations? No. We often feel connected to people with the same surname – we’re one egregorial entity – we have common life’s meaning. Our characters may be similar too, mostly for subconscious name influence. The truly revealed incarnations will be those, who have most signs gathered around them, because souls influence the environment around them as much as their characters are revealed! (Don’t forget about the possibility to upload not your own reincarnational memories!)

How can it be that no one spotted Matrix earlier, if it is so simple?

We know cases when we don’t notice evident things. E.g., when we do ordinary tasks, we don’t recall about atomic structure of objects. When we clean our room, we don’t recall that it is made of thousands of objects – that are all human-made – hours of hard work and years of evolutional changes to bring technology. When we form a particular wordview, we mostly ignore evidence to the contrary – we pick up facts that fit our views. Simple things are not always evident. You have to be na;ve and curious to explore beyond the limits of this reality. There’re things that are considered stupid here, such as “looking for meaning”. People tend to think that “this has meaning, and that doesn’t” – a psychological barrier. It means we’re creating a psychologically meaningless world ourselves. While in reality anything can have a meaning and a profound explanation. If we don’t explain everything, we will be left with a distorted and incomplete picture of reality.


Why don’t the “dead” people come here, if they’re alive?

We know that some manipulations with bodies are possible: for instances, cases of partial materialization of spirits for a short time, or teleportation of an alive body from place to place, or “being at two different places at the same time”. But returning here from the “afterlife” looks problematic - some Matrix laws. (if the laws of nature are not “materialistic”, it doesn’t mean there’re no spiritual and informational laws!) It’s like "the game is over, you can only start a new game with another character (to reincarnate)". Why is it so? Well, considering the RPG analogy – we choose a character and we play, the settings and heroes around, the subsidiary characters and events, circumstances – are specially set, partly chosen by us. In a conscious Universe it means special arrangement of people and objects – a unique set of events and circumstances, that can not be repeated for this one character. So when we stop to play (die), it is all stopped and can’t be start anew with an old character. If we ever start a game with the same soul, all settings and events will be different. And if we play with the same soul again and the events are the same, it means we’re traveling in the past or past variants! (time travel) We just can’t play the game with the same character, while the events and all game plot is already over! And a spiritual plot is prepared for every new incarnation – so one incarnation is one separate plot – one little game in the global game.

Why are some people born rich?

Being rich doesn’t mean having perfect moral qualities. Souls choose to be rich, when they strive for richness – for material gain. They create such plot in their new lives, because they’re tied to material objects too much. Sometimes karmic laws play a part, but mostly wealth is not a reward for good deeds, but a lesson that a soul chooses to experience. So actually the fact of being rich or poor is determined by materialistic notions – injustice, the lack of opportunities, not being strong enough… evolution’s laws are present everywhere, even in the afterworld.

A better understanding  of karma

Some new thoughts came to me recently. "Karma" is connected to vengeance. Because karma is when the info of your incarnations is telepathically passed to others and they start to subconsciously react. Mostly react those who were offended by you in past lives - they revenge. Such souls usually choose to incarnate near you.

Another thing is “the revenge of objects/nature forces/animals” – as they’re parts of a global telepathic network, they also react when you recall past lives in childhood and this info appears in your mind and gets transmitted around you. Objects/animals/nature usually react to your sense of guilt, not to the fact of bad deeds itself. But often “the revenge of objects” happens when other people subconsciously telepathically manipulate objects against you.

Consciousness is like an oar. Subconsciousness is a boat. You do subconsciously what you would do anyway. So "karmic revenge" appears when you subconsciously want to punish past lives' enemies. Though many people think that “past lives are the past” and forgive or forget!

"Forgive others and if you don't forgive, "god" will not forgive you" is an official allowance of karmic revenge. "God" is Universe - a telepathic entity. It doesn't deal with forgiveness - forgiveness is a responsibility of every human in their incarnations. They choose what to do in their lives with those who did them wrong in earlier lives. (if they spot them by telepathy)

“Karma” is an egregor, like most of “bigger” notions. So we may even see the disappearance of karma or transforming of it into some other values with spiritual evolution.

7) Conclusion

So this is how I saw the spiritual world in 2019. My worldview. How I explained the strange things happened to me in 2018 and later. It’s a way to live somehow, as it is hard to live, not understanding the world. I’ve worked out some understanding, even if for myself. It helped me against psychotic relapses that don’t occur anymore. A rational world picture is essential. It was my way to escape meaninglessness and mental illness – to make everything meaningful.