The Story of the Most Short Consultation by Vanya

Владимир Залесский Переводы
The Story of the Most Short Consultation by Vanya Zhukov

Vanya ran through the streets of the capital of the Latin American Republic. He was delivering pizza.

A car stopped nearby. Comrade Friend kindly invited Vanya into the car:

- I have a question for you. I want to hear your opinion…

The phone rang..

- Don't listen to this adviser - with his views and assessments of the situation!

The great diplomat made a barely perceptible pause, and he added:

-  I would not call our situation a difficult. We "will undertake an offensive"!

The phone call ended.

Vanya made a clever appearance. ("Now the era of performances!").

Comrade Friend nodded with his head:

- Yes... I thank for consultation!

In the evening Vanya was sitting in a chair near the pool. His wife came up to the pool. She was going to dive into the water. But Vanya got up from the chair and took her hand…

On July 25, 2019 18:54

Translation from Russian into English: July 25, 2019 20:43.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Рассказ о самой короткой консультации Вани Жукова”.