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You canteen with water in the desert. You're the best dream, a dream come true. Want the stars in our tale? Someone better sound the alarm because you're dynamite. I'm psychic. I see me and you in the future. If I need CPR, can I have your number? My lucky numbers-your numbers. 8 1 0 34 read report, the message item URL advertising, disable written Sansfire 3 weeks ago \\\"... writers animation writers the crypt keepers, to breathe life into the bones. Again, creating a spark of animation, Adam, eve. 2 0 0 5 reads the post report, click the URL in the message, written Sansfire 3 weeks ago is killing me. To make me laugh. Bonus points if I cry. It is a monarchy the honey bee“, it is a monarchy,” said the Queen, who was wearing a honeycomb on top of her bloated head. He was purple and so were the berries on her Golden tray. “It is a monarchy,” and she watched bees pollinate the plants on her window, wanting to chide a little buzzing and jumping to the beat. “This h...