Tan Kulan Ook - the time of miracles

Çàìèð Îñîðîâ
(a lesson from Kyrgyz language)
The Kyrgyz idiom - Tan Kulan Ook – mean a pre-dawn time when the sun is still hidden behind the far horizon, but the day is gradually approaching. It's time when moutain’s pasture, jailoo, extremely fresh and beautiful.
 The famous picture of great Kyrgyz painter S. Chuikov called  "The touching of  Eternity" may have helped you appreciate the beauty of this expression. On English, this graceful, almost sculptural verbal composition, means "when dawn-foal wakes up" "…bows his head", "…shudders", "…turning her head".
No one experts could give me a precise and accurate explanation of what it actually means, although it was obvious that the image of a newborn foal, of course, perfectly associated with the new coming day in the mountains.
 Finally, one shepherd gave me the exact interpretation of this phrase and its origin.
It is an early-early hour when suddenly awoken foul, tries his voice and touches the warm side of her mother, who slept near at him, maybe wanting to awake mother for sucking her milk.
Yes, indeed, a beautiful picture is obtained.
I  little adopted this for my own test and perception.
For me, Tan Kulan Ook it's early dawn in the mountains, on jailoo when you once in your life wake up into Kyrgyz yurt and seen next to you in bed a beautiful creature that still asleep, and you cannot believe your eyes, that your dream suddenly realized. But this is the time of miracles – Tan Kulan Ook - when all is possible and you hear the silver voice of awoken foul.