Mind Transformation 236

Волибор Заставкин
Johnson, T. Frank, Precision boxing, a20/3, b20/3, c13/3, d13/3, S, R – 30, p, g, c, m, s – 2, i – 6, M.
SPP 3. Mr – 180min, e – 90min.
The day started by negotiating with myself about whether I should do morning routine or not. I had a strong desire to quit and shift to something else. It was very hard to force myself sustaining the routine, but when it comes to the end, I felt so great and realized that all this not only about motivation. It’s quite obvious that I have several strong desires, and sometimes they contradict each other. After setting the goal to focus on personal power and devote as much time to it as possible, I started observing how some part of me resists following the goal and tries to go aside at each morning. It’s worth to mention that today I didn’t have any fatigue; therefore, there were no actual reasons to give up doing a sequence of exercises. Nonetheless, I thought so much about giving up and at some point was too close to failure. I have to be more serious and not allowing myself this sort of mental weakness.
Anyway, after accomplishing all things, I had a very productive day, did all my sports, read more than 20 pages of Johnson’s book, watched a few videos, and taught my mum English.
The whole day I was at home.
Recently, I set up a task to find someone with whom I can practice English while dreaming. (Lucid dream) Last night, the task was fulfilled. I had an intensive lucid dream, where I talked with a couple of phantoms in English, declaimed poems, etc. Well, I’m going to use the same method and find a partner whom I can practice MMA with. No damage. Easy manage. After that, I can try something even more sophisticated.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2019/01/31/1304