The Sketch about the Fake law

Владимир Залесский Переводы
The Sketch about the Fake law

Stierlitz came into M;ller's office and understood that business smells of troubles.

In the middle of the office there was a table. On a table the suitcase lay.

M;ller kindly looked at Stierlitz:

- Important information is intercepted!

Stierlitz alerted himself.

- In the first reading the law on a fake news is adopted! – M;ller continued.

"There will come time, you will understand, probably", - Stierlitz went to hum to himself.

M;ller continued to look at Stierlitz kindly:

- The German classical philosophy made  the fact of unity of the absolute and relative truth long ago a well-known … In other words, any statement is partly true, and partly – false …

" is waiting..., when it comes up, your moment ... ", - Stierlitz continued to hum to himself.

- About an intent to make a crime, buddy. Not me and not for you to explain …

"Pastor Shlag will not cope", - Stierlitz understood suddenly. – "I will go to Switzerland. Personally".

Sirens of air-raid warning raised a howl.

- Goebbels propaganda ... -  M;ller shook the head.

Stierlitz understood that the visit to M;ller is ended. "Urgently I go to Switzerland". Stierlitz went to an exit from the office.

- And you can take the suitcase with yourself, - M;ller kindly spoke.

"A fake – not a fake. And in Switzerland – a coffee break" - Stierlitz mentally made a pun and, without a backward glance, left an office.

M;ller looked sympathetically at the closing door.

The suitcase remained to lie on a table in the middle of an office …

Stierlitz walked down the corridor. Sirens were blaring. "A fake – not a fake. And in Switzerland – a coffee break", - Stierlitz was repeating mentally.

January 24, 2019 23:31

Translation from Russian into English: January 25, 2019 00:09.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Скетч о фейк-законе”.