47 ingl. билингва. the first part of translation

Илья Корнев
... When I have written " from autor_Корнева " Вовка Смелостев__name second author_ has hissed: " - it is good, what not from Onions(bows)_from Icac_Neptun_! ". Having decided(solved) to reserve преоритет of "opening" этрусского_languages_ of language I has decided(solved) to stop on This surname! Because сие difficult action per centuries прошед did(made) таки light minds(wits), as_ author so_ Воланский. On сии_this_ works I нашед_I see already in the Internet, and табличка_stella_ of Conformity of the
letters from cyrillics этрусскому_old Russians languages_ have resulted zealously on page 45. As for Russian, таки_it is_ and аглицкого языцца_Inglish words_, and
I shall take како_Yes_ a basis, with сие_this_ the image of the first table from famous городца_sity_, that ищщо_in_ with Архимедовых__old Greek_ of times Пиргой называтцы_name have – sity Pirga_! While the essence of a reasoning, that I specially to fog is clear  напустимше_do fog?
..... That have found in Italy city in Пирге 1960. THAT СИЕ_THIS_ REPRESENTED. It is figure, that do(make) the scientists, here again after the Third word there is an IMPORTANT mark, that is not present in figure made other author, namely there нет_ of a POINT!
- эка невидаль_I see it!? There would be NO POINT воскликнумше_Shouted forte_ with похмелюги __drinking drink so__ of Willows. You. In the same film, where it(he) сменимше a trade, сиречь__ that is__ a place of a service in chambers imperial on простолюдиновы_very pure man_!      
HERE. I specially insert АНАХРОНИЗМЫ_OLD WORDS_, it is good, what not ХрРЕнизмы-Russian joke_, that is OUT-OF-DATE words, that are pertinent бысть_to be_, for example, in the description of fights famous сказаниев_old poems_ from depth of centuries пришед_ go to this times_!
The letters wrote on the contrary ON THE RIGHT - ON THE LEFT! Apply(put) a mirror ON THE RIGHT, and in reflection in a mirror you will see a part of the letters, that for you are known, and the part is not clear, to what letters and, accordingly - SOUNDS belong!??
ON THIS ТАБЛИЧКЕ_ tomb or letters on wall_.ЗНАКОМЫЕ_  known_ of the LETTER OR ЗНАКИ_ word_ in LATIN:
1. It is the letters: V_NY_что five are written Together of time in words - as __ IS NOT PRESENT __ is read, and _A_F_ D_С_ L and, some more, that you easily learn(find out), when I of the ladies the MIRROR image. Can compare to figure on page 32-34!
The first line begins so __ I _ / And / __ потом_1 - figure, and буква_letter_А! I have thought that тако отобразимше букву_it is Russian letter_Й- that is not present in the Latin alphabet, it is quite possible to write down как_латинская / I/ И, and хвостик__a short line_ at Unit to consider(count) Кавычкой_short line_, tick above the letter _Й.
And combination if Together to make Й + And gives букву_Я. That is not present in one western language, and at us this letter is in many словесах_words_: "Ялик= a jolly Boat a boat, корЯвый, изъЯснил, and the name – Яков_Iacov_, that on Latin is written - IAKOV! There is some more letter, that are similar to a Print bird's лапки_legs_, is латинская_ Latin letter_S, that the authors consider(count) as analogue of the Russian letter __ Ш, and with буквой_С_ there was a nonsense! As well as now, буква_С_ in some words аглицких озачает_или_Inglish languages_ _Ц or _К.
Example: Celeron- the mark of the processor -Целерон, or - Cup- Кап- and Captain, and cup!      
P/s. I have reason, why 2000 B.C. easily wrote Зеркально_ see in  mirror! Instead of was of Technical revolution, and левшам_ left work hand men_ was пофигу_not problem_!! All machine tools are now designed for the right-handed Person, differently it was necessary Суппорт, forward and back бабку__ parts of machine tools_ to do(make) on the contrary, or Зеркально_ mirror_! On this in ancient times has appeared as right-hand, and it Этрусское the left-hand letter. Eventually, as on the right on the left I write Arabian вязью__beauty words_! The business happen and probably all in a SPELLING of marks, or letters is simple!. Most likely Старорусское_Old Russian_ it was easier to write the letter, that up to Кирилицы_this times symbols, letters_ ON THE CONTRARY, and the transition to Cyrillics, that consists of percents(interests) on 80 % of the latin letters more easy to write how now. As the example - as a matter of fact Леонардо yes Винчи_Leonardo da Vinchy_ wrote Зеркально, on этрусски_ print how Etrussky!!! Ё 
P/s. And I slightly ПОИЗМЕНЯЛ_transform_ of a word having made their "similar" to the Old texts! That ЭТРУССКИЕ of a WORD, it not ABSOLUTELY MODERN Russian 3019 years, and with words and many Анохренизмами - Out-of-date сиречь_is_, бысть__it!!! Read continuation of page 48!!  Из за Артиклей текст на 50% длинее, как и этрусский по сравнению с второй табличкой на финикийском языке – в нем не Глассных букв.   Исходный текст на русско писан 11 размера буквами, а на английском, более мелким_9 размером, или Кеглем!    Что б текст Уместить в страничку. сравни сСтр. 47 рус.