1312019, yyRNrst, uVp

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"Human Factors and Bioagent Transmission Following an Indoor Bioterror Attack".

  "Human Factors and Bioagent Transmission Following an Indoor Bioterror Attack". Jonathon Taylor, Ka Man Lai* and Zaheer Ahmad Nasir.


  A bioterrorist attack on a building has the potential to cause illness
and fatalities, fear, and uncertainty in the building and wider population,
and major _nancial costs from the remediation and displacement from
the targeted building.Anthrax  attacks  in  the  U.S.  in 2001  lead
to the death  of individuals, the infection of another 17, and total
costs reported exceeding $ 1Billion.Due to  the worldwide spread
of biotechnology and biological skills, varying standards in laboratory
security,  bioweapon  programs  in  unstable  or  rogue  nations,  and
concerted e]orts  by some  terror organizations to research and obtain
bioagents, the risk of a bioterror attack in the near future is considered
to be high.
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1312019, yyRNrst, uVp

 Dp|~uzyz p{px ztu uu,~ {p r{pu y ruy wyx~ qypu|uz t}p ~p |yu Bu|y{s p~s|yz{s p.Kp{ } x~pu},p{px urp| y px |u |u~y qp~tu|y {|up}y ~p @ru,{u rxrty|y }u~u r|py.Ttp q| ~p|{ y|u~, y M~{,y pr ut|y xppy.
  N wu y xppry| r~r r|,sr x{} {y}y~p|p?