She looking for the groom

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         Planned acquaintance of the parents of the future newlyweds. It was seventeenth attempt to get married.
   And why is Marina so unlucky? She is over thirty. But no one gets married. She is and economic, and pretty. They do not want to put a stamp in the passport. And to work, they do not want too.
“If your mother did not intervene, we would live.”-The suitors explained their position when they left the girl.
“Mom, do hairstyle and manicure. Artem’s mom is a real lady.” -The daughter wished.
     Lena knew her weakness to say what she was thinking. Sometimes not everyone liked it. The next day, she continually ran up to the window. But she was worried not at all that the future relatives were late, but that the potatoes had not been removed from the field. Finally, there was a noise on the porch. And relatives stumbled into the house.
As it should be, the lady was hanging on the elbows of the gentlemen.  But those could barely stand on their feet. The groom's mother was a slim, small girl of sixty-five years old. She was dressed in old shabby shirt, pants from another’s ass. Having smoothed gray, gathered in a thin bundle, hair, she bristled with a charming smile, showing three remaining teeth.
Then, like a true lady, she tried to bend her knees in a curtsy. And collapsed to the side, taking with her the gentlemen who supported her. Having risen from the floor with great difficulty, the company finally decided to introduce themselves:
“Elizaveta Kiryanovna, you can just call me- Elizabeth.”- She stretched out her hand for a kiss.
It seems that this hand has never met with a manicure. However, as well as with water. It was clear because there was mud under the gnawed nails.
    It was the turn to introduce ourselves to the gentlemen.
 “I'm the brother of the bridegroom. My name is Pasha.”-Managed to pronounce a young man of about thirty years old. He looked very much like his mother. And immediately, without waiting for the command, pounced on the salad.-“And this is the groom's dad. His name is Vitaly.”-He nodded at the fat gentleman who tried to show by his appearance how pleased he was to meet.    
Lena had excellent marks on arithmetic in due time. But how, - by the same age as the younger brother of the groom, could he become a dad of his forty-year-old son? Noticing her astonishment, the groom explained: “This is my stepfather.”
   Elizabeth giggled and wished to make a toast. Looking at the glasses with contempt, she drank a compote of large crystal glass and poured vodka into it.
 “Mom, do not drink vodka with compote, you will be ill.”-The groom worried.
 “Will drink for the young! If the mother-in-law does not intervene, then they will live in the council and love.” -Famously knocking over the glass, the mother of the son-in-law sniffed the toast with her elbow.
She apologized in advance:
“I start to eat after the third glass of vodka. I beg your pardon.”
“That foreign words have already begun to be used.” -Flashed through at Lena. –“You probably dig a potato?” -Start Lena a conversation on the subject close to her.
      “What are you, my dear, we do not deal with the garden. When we are! I have never worked and am not going to!”
Lady Elizabeth sniffed second glass.
“What is it you have so boring! I want a celebration!
To the sound of music, Elizabeth pulled herself out into the middle of the room. She
began to jump, shaking her ass and throwing her legs high in her bare sandals. Dirty
footprints flashed on the heels in dance.
From under the table tried to get out her boyfriend. He was intending to make a company. But did not crawl to the dance floor. Marina decided to support her mother-in-law. And smacking her wrinkled cheek, she began to dance.
The next morning they reported that Elizabeth was sick. Maybe the compote has acted. An attempt to marry again failed.