Mind Transformation 171

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I should think more carefully how I use my computer. Recently I told myself that I have to avoid checking social networks without any special purpose. However, I can’t fully control my behavior in this case. It’s not so terrible, but I look at my pages about five times a day to see whether there are some comments or messages or not. It’s silly. I spent not only five minutes but the quality of my attention decreases because of that. My work with the internet must be divided on several parts, and before to sit at the computer I have to define what exactly I’m going to do, how I’m going to do that etc. Of course, sometimes I will be distracted by some occasional messages or comments, but if I know certainly what I’m going to do and how much time it requires I would escape an unnecessary activity and do less stupid things. Today I checked my page on proza.ru three of four times and then asked myself, why do I do this? What does it give me? Am I really interested of how many people watched my posts? Perhaps I am, and it seems I have a desire to enhance the amount of these people, but I know that these actions—checking this site over and over again—don’t help me to achieve anything. I rather lose my time which otherwise I could use for developing my writing. Okay, I’ve got it; let’s optimize self-control and become more conscious.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/11/03/1165