8 inglпростой a simple аккомпанемен on a guitar. a

Илья Корнев
Why I choose modern songs, though I have accompaniment to national so to the Soviet songs. If In the self-teacher PLAY And ACCOMPANY ON a GUITAR there are known songs 1970, and older, and then not Initial motive always is already remembered, on which they were played. And it is desirable at attempt her(it) for repeating.
The time leaves, / ___/ the Wanderer. / it is a badge the Pause / means
The time always / ___/ leaves.By suspension frozen / __/ of sides
Thawing in ink / ___/мгле.... The pause undertakes in all куплетах.
You still breathe, странно./ from here - additional note /
Heart is not beaten, like?!
Simply on heart of a wound Same as in me...
Under the price-list of Paradise
To live never late.
To redeem the house not knowing,
That for калиткой a Hell.
You still trust in Майя,
In their calendar and stars?!
It is destiny playing,
Тешится inattentively.
Pay me by verses,
By each line shouting,
That only having flied up abated,
Bitterly me loving.
See, what became with us?!
The wind of ignorance is more sweet.
If in a breast not a stone,
Pay me itself.
Аккомпанемент_Еm_G_Am_Em From the in addition note on 3 strings _!! _2 лад in аккорде_Em. Is played Pure(clean) аккорд_Em in the beginning, and ambassador, certainly Мизинцем 3 strings on _ nestle!! _2 ладу, and only after that there is a transition на_G.
The note _ in the beginning First куплет is played without the additional note in аккорде_Ем, and from second куплета the note is added, but before LAST WORD in a line, that is fourth on счету_Ем. If will play точно_то that will turn out that close to the original, but it is possible certainly and without the additional note to play, but THIS MY IMPRESSION, this additional note, gives Грусть. Yes - this note in Ем a chord Теппингом is played, that is the string 2 on 3 ладу some times nestles and is released(let off). If has confused by first the chord _Ем with this note is played аккорд_ Ем in the pure state then.
/ ___/ Has thought up a New badge in a musical Notation, that I do(make) Automatically - briefly is a pause
This Development of accompaniment, that I have applied in other song YOU HAS GROWN FOND of ME VAINLY. куплет for стравнения:

 You, have grown fond of me vainly Overlook(forget)! From memory erase!
With me - it is impossible! With me it is dangerous! I It was the Second page and 7 LINES before Editing! Has compressed in ONE PAGE - for those who writes the texts
can be useful. And, we shall talk about Трэкинге - do not search a word in the directory.