Online learning as a paradigm of new educational t

Âèêòîð Êðàñíîâ
Today we shall discuss one of the most controversial topics in the field of human education. On-line learning according to G.Blohovtsova, E.Rumyantseva, S.Karakozov and others is a permanently developing tool of education which can replace the formal education in a future but on the other side there are critics of such a scheme of popularization in the camp of I.Belyaev, K.Roshupkin and others.
Let’s discuss all pros and contras of this educational scheme.
1. No limits. You are young or old, thin or thick, black or white – it doesn’t depend. Online education is a huge opportunity for the disabled people and for all the other people who cannot do anything they like.
2. You can do it by yourself. You can have your personal schedule, materials, teachers and trainers. It’s no use to go to a university to listen to dumb heads that are old enough to have seen the Titanic drawn.
3. Subjects. Ministry of education suc… succeeds of course in some topics. But you know that you are a tech or a human and you know it well, so why should you mess up with other nerds who like to study – not to get knowledge.
4. Availability. A lot of international universities use to give the online education – so why shouldn’t we use this technology? We can switch on the tape... ah, yes, it’s a 21st century – we can click on the screen and watch a webinar or a video on the topic – just online.
5. Back office. When you are online – you can always ask a question and you should be answered! Does it work well in the institute? Especially when a white head is murmuring his whole acid life behind the table of an old oak brought here by the first deputee of a Scottish Kingdom...
6. Distant help. If a freelance-worker wants to start his career he has a lot of difficulties but in the internet you can be educated in a clap of your hands. Thus I made a small program to use it during my classes at my job and in the execrable future...
And here we go to contras:
1. Online education cannot be proved sometimes – it’s the greatest fake – because all the teachers are experienced enough to have letters with good words on their work and special assessment tests… It’s important for the online companies to have professional workers. So this lap cuts down.
2. Mothers cannot talk with a teacher and persuade him/her to teach in the way she was taught in her church, mosque or barn with cows and rams. It may be so but still can it be true for self-confident, wise people? I think no. The teacher always teaches individually but according to a strong scheme…
3. It’s expensive. Heya, this depends – the free education at school is not always bearable for a pocket of a plant worker.
4. You can harm your eyes. No comments.
5. Result unseen. There are a lot of tests and exams which can be even more difficult than in a usual school at the end of it – so it depends.
Of course we can search for a trefoil, but it’s still a clover nevertheless. So pros of the innovation exceed all the contras and this education isn’t a fake already. And our children are really ready for it. Another question which I should leave here: are our heads ready to raise the demolished educational institute with any means… It should stay unanswered. And choose your coordinator properly when you are studying – there are a lot of fakers and only real masters can be seen from online – and then you will find your individuality and your future which is already online!

p.s. çàäåëà òåìà, âåñüìà èíòåðåñíîé îêàçàëàñü - äåëþñü ñî âñåìè)