Our Serbian Friends

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Oslov's Brother: Hi Serbian Younker
Oslov's Brother: hru ? )
Serbian Younker: Hi man
Serbian Younker: :)
Serbian Younker: still hanging
Serbian Younker: you?
Oslov's Brother: I am seeing news your premier minister visiting bilderberg club :)
Serbian Younker: hahahaha
Serbian Younker: omg
Serbian Younker: she/he
Serbian Younker: is ...
Serbian Younker:
Oslov's Brother: saying this are with Europe
Oslov's Brother: hate her
Serbian Younker: you dont need to say that twice man
Oslov's Brother: she is alien
Serbian Younker: me too
Serbian Younker: she is idiot
Serbian Younker: and president even bigger
Serbian Younker: i am not their supporter
Serbian Younker: at all
Serbian Younker:
Oslov's Brother: yup
Serbian Younker: are you getting ready for FIFA
Serbian Younker: ?
Oslov's Brother: no
Serbian Younker: smart move
Oslov's Brother: I am not a fan
Oslov's Brother: will see at TV the finals
Oslov's Brother: not more
Serbian Younker: exactly as me here
Serbian Younker: and better not to look at those fans on the streets either
Oslov's Brother: yup
Oslov's Brother: exactly
Serbian Younker: heheh
Serbian Younker: how are you in general?
Serbian Younker: all good?
Oslov's Brother: in russia they even "hire" full bandits to fuck another fans
Oslov's Brother: its crazy
Serbian Younker: ohh
Oslov's Brother: yup but not at all, health
Serbian Younker: why man?
Serbian Younker: what happened?
Oslov's Brother: kidneys and pain in neck
Serbian Younker: stone in kidneys?
Oslov's Brother: kidneys is old story
Oslov's Brother: not a stone
Oslov's Brother: some trauma in past
Serbian Younker: oh my
Serbian Younker: hang on there
Oslov's Brother: I have one working kidney, left
Serbian Younker: be well my man, I know the felling, I am going to CT scan next week
Serbian Younker: for my lungs
Serbian Younker: and to have bunch of doctor exams
Oslov's Brother: yup thats sad doing always
Serbian Younker: we didnt choose that
Serbian Younker: if it is already there we need to find a way to get over that
Serbian Younker: and live with it
Oslov's Brother: yes
Oslov's Brother: we have to and I am being sad that its true
Serbian Younker: I know my man
Serbian Younker: harfest thing is to be good in the head
Serbian Younker: hardest*
Serbian Younker: but we have to
Serbian Younker: we are not that young
Oslov's Brother: young also have to
Oslov's Brother: but they don't know
Serbian Younker: Ignorence is bless
Serbian Younker: how they say
Serbian Younker: i hold my fingers crossed for you
Serbian Younker: and I hope it will be all right
Oslov's Brother: they have to care theirselves
Oslov's Brother: but they don't know how
Oslov's Brother: and why
Oslov's Brother: because feel good and imagine they are a tank
Serbian Younker: well you see in what kind of world are we living in
Serbian Younker: here
Serbian Younker: people starting not to care
Serbian Younker: for anything
Oslov's Brother: yup I see it very well
Serbian Younker: like they are surrendered
Oslov's Brother: and it making me sad again ;(
Serbian Younker: ahhh
Serbian Younker: i know I know
Serbian Younker: i think only thing
Serbian Younker: that we can do
Serbian Younker: is to make some
Serbian Younker: wall around our lives
Oslov's Brother: some
Serbian Younker: and try to have some sort of decent live
Oslov's Brother: but not all
Oslov's Brother: many people do too much walls
Serbian Younker: i can see it wery well
Serbian Younker: here
Serbian Younker: we were not that king of people
Serbian Younker: before
Serbian Younker: at all
Serbian Younker: we were open
Serbian Younker: now...
Oslov's Brother: its sad again
Serbian Younker: i have my close friends and hold to them
Serbian Younker: that is my only
Oslov's Brother: as me
Serbian Younker: light motive
Oslov's Brother: you're my friend man
Serbian Younker: i trust those people
Serbian Younker: thank you man
Serbian Younker: I hope I am good one
Oslov's Brother: you is
Serbian Younker: I always support humanity
Oslov's Brother: me too :)
Serbian Younker: And people that have human emotions
Oslov's Brother: I am trying
Oslov's Brother: yea!
Serbian Younker: I hate shallow talks and shallow people
Oslov's Brother: they all have
Serbian Younker: I know
Oslov's Brother: but sometimes very bad human emotions
Oslov's Brother: and carry that with them as usual
Oslov's Brother: :(
Serbian Younker: You know what I see as issue
Serbian Younker: If man surrender
Serbian Younker: We have a duty to fight
Oslov's Brother: yes
Oslov's Brother: but I really feel as I am not surrender anymore (
Oslov's Brother: and its very sad for me
Serbian Younker: I mean we are aware in what world we are we living
Serbian Younker: Dont be sad
Serbian Younker: Because
Serbian Younker: You saw what can be wrong already
Serbian Younker: We should be happy for what we have
Serbian Younker: Family
Serbian Younker: Friends
Serbian Younker: Dog
Serbian Younker: All simple
Oslov's Brother: Cat :)
Serbian Younker: And small things
Serbian Younker: Cat
Serbian Younker: I try to find happines in that small things
Oslov's Brother: its right
Serbian Younker: And i think it is the right way
Serbian Younker: I dont need milions
Serbian Younker: Or cars
Oslov's Brother: we are on the same page by souls I feel that :)
Serbian Younker: Sure man
Serbian Younker: You are good guu
Serbian Younker: Guy
Serbian Younker: And for good guys is always hard ??
Serbian Younker: Remember that
Serbian Younker: If you were scumbag
Serbian Younker: It would be easier
Serbian Younker: But you are not
Serbian Younker: I saw that with my family
Serbian Younker: We had turbulent history over here
Serbian Younker: And when turbulent times coma
Serbian Younker: You can see better
Serbian Younker: Who is good
Serbian Younker: And who is bad
Serbian Younker: And it is always harder for good guys, but in the end
Serbian Younker: Our righteous path is fulfilling
Serbian Younker: And bring true happines
Serbian Younker: And joy
Serbian Younker: I felt it on my skin
Oslov's Brother: oh man
Serbian Younker: I believe you know that too
Oslov's Brother: god with you
Oslov's Brother: I felt like awise
Oslov's Brother: but long time ago
Serbian Younker: We cant think we know all the best
Serbian Younker: In the world
Serbian Younker: There is a saying
Serbian Younker: I know that I dont know nothing
Serbian Younker: But also one our great poet wrote
Serbian Younker: Be Afraid of shit, be afraid of sheep, and when will you live?
Oslov's Brother: he said as I remember, at least Russian says that
Oslov's Brother: "I know that I don't know anything"
Oslov's Brother: but I don't like that really
Oslov's Brother: your variant is better
Serbian Younker: Heheh
Serbian Younker: The last one is so true
Serbian Younker: If we allow our fears and worries
Serbian Younker: To overcome us
Serbian Younker: When will we live
Serbian Younker: We must be strong
Serbian Younker: Whatever happens
Serbian Younker: Great victory is to have someone that can understand
Serbian Younker: I dont ask much moee
Serbian Younker: More
Oslov's Brother: right
Serbian Younker: When will you move back home?
Serbian Younker: Oleg said you should come
Serbian Younker: I saw his garden
Serbian Younker: That stuff really help
Serbian Younker: To clear the mind
Serbian Younker: Nature
Serbian Younker: Plants
Oslov's Brother: yup
Oslov's Brother: I'm at home now
Serbian Younker: Aha
Serbian Younker: It is nice there
Serbian Younker: Climate is great
Oslov's Brother: you will like that town
Serbian Younker: You have seaside
Oslov's Brother: visit us :)
Serbian Younker: I will for sure man
Serbian Younker: )
Serbian Younker: Oleg is preparing some dring
Serbian Younker: I shared a recipe
Serbian Younker: With young wallnuts
Serbian Younker: I hope you will try it too
Serbian Younker: Orahovaca
Oslov's Brother: Cool )
Serbian Younker: I wish I could live by the sea
Serbian Younker: I like boats
Serbian Younker: And that stuff
Serbian Younker: Get one there )
Serbian Younker: And go fishing
Serbian Younker: I decided to go and buy a new guitar this week, I will start to play again
Serbian Younker: One friend even called me to join the metal band
Serbian Younker: Maybe I will do that too )
Serbian Younker: I wanna find some hobby for me
Oslov's Brother: I more like sea swimming
Oslov's Brother: not fishing
Serbian Younker: I like swimming too
Oslov's Brother: buts its not pleasure to swim in our sea
Serbian Younker: I played waterpollo
Serbian Younker: I saw pictures
Serbian Younker: It is shallow sea
Oslov's Brother: yes
Serbian Younker: And on river confluence
Oslov's Brother: and dirty
Serbian Younker: Oh man
Serbian Younker: If you are fisherman
Serbian Younker: ))
Serbian Younker: That is ideal spot
Oslov's Brother: dirty buy clay
Serbian Younker: Yeah
Serbian Younker: Will you go on some vacation
Serbian Younker: On seaside?
Serbian Younker: Somewhere
Serbian Younker: You can now get to Crimea faster
Oslov's Brother: yup, usually southern countries
Serbian Younker: With that bridge
Serbian Younker: Turkey?
Oslov's Brother: Crimea is not so hot
Oslov's Brother: turkey, thai, dominicana, etc.
Serbian Younker: Ou yeah
Serbian Younker: I would suggest croatia
Serbian Younker: And mediteranian in general
Oslov's Brother: thanks man
Serbian Younker: I love that climate
Serbian Younker: And smell of pines
Oslov's Brother: heh
Serbian Younker: If you decide for that
Serbian Younker: I will help
Oslov's Brother: thanks :)
Serbian Younker: It suggestions
Serbian Younker: ))
Serbian Younker: It is not that I am advertising
Serbian Younker: Just
Serbian Younker: It have something special
Serbian Younker: Especially the islands
Oslov's Brother: thanks
Serbian Younker: Any time man
Serbian Younker: You know that you can talk to me anytime you feel like it
Serbian Younker: I mean outside of work
Serbian Younker: It is important that people support each other
Serbian Younker: So you have my support man
Serbian Younker: ))
Oslov's Brother: I hope we are not saying a talk but not a chat, so I hope I am also useful for u ;)
Oslov's Brother: you
Serbian Younker: In any case man:)
Serbian Younker: i dont have understanding with many people to be honest
Serbian Younker: that is why I apretiate when someone is smart, and understand what I say
Serbian Younker: and when I have something smart to hear from someone
Serbian Younker: for me this have no price
Serbian Younker: :)
Serbian Younker: I hope that we will spend time and talk i personal, it is much different to the eyes of your
Oslov's Brother: yup
Oslov's Brother: no price )
Serbian Younker: there is no lie in the eye
Serbian Younker: :)
Serbian Younker: I believe that all of us is much more then this work
Serbian Younker: I have much more tallents to share
Serbian Younker: I am actually good calssical guitarist
Serbian Younker: and love mechanics
Serbian Younker: if we would hang out
Serbian Younker: i am sure we would fing much stuff to talk about
Serbian Younker: and share experiences
Serbian Younker: :)
Serbian Younker: and sometimes is nice just to have company, in silence