Mosaic thinking

Рамз Лола
People fascinate me, - she thought. - Creatures go back and forth on the Earth trying to prove they are humans.  Talking does not a human make.  People are creatures, simple silly creatures who happen to have silly ears (have you ever noticed how odd it is to have such curving ears?), strangely shaped bodies (however I happen to like certain parts), river-like veins (they remind me of the Amazon river that has swollen).

People are masochists.  They are fully aware of the fact that human interaction foreshadows suffering, nevertheless they love it. 
They love suffering even though they don't fully realize that.  People come to this world through suffering and pain, they live making compromises with others and themselves, and then they pass away leaving pain onto the shoulders of beloved ones. 

As the wind was blowing, as the sun was dispersing the mist, her ideas were queueing to buy a ticket to some hot country. Her brain was sick and tired of dwelling on human nature.  Her subconsciousness was cautiously dropping hints about having a vacation.  Thank God their prayings have been heard.  The body, the soul and the brain were on their way out leaving behind the aftertaste of a delicious dialogue with the universe.