Susan CEO of Youtute. A Princess Fairy Tale, Гл 3

Susan CEO of Youtute. A Princess Fairy Tale, Chapter 3 - I am a part of a fairy tale!

Also read:

Chapter 1 text:

Chapter 2 text:

Disclaimer: The names are fictitious. Events and coincidences are random. Fantasy in free flight!


Chapter 3 - I am a part of a fairy tale!

Well, I have fantasies, Susan-director thought! But why fantasy? After all, I sit on the splits for real! As it was then, many years ago, as a child!

Not once or twice, but many times Susan-director asked herself the question: what was so special about ballet video lessons of Nastia? And how it happened that a little girl attending school, without any support of eminent personalities scored on Youtute 40 million views and 40 thousand subscribers?! Yes, Youtute has a lot of super popular beauty-bloggers who show girls how to care for themselves, how to do make-up and to have a sports lifestyle! But these video bloggers rather admire themselves and are focused towards another audience - young women!

When Susan first found Nastia's Channel in August last year, she drew attention to the fact that the channel had just reached 20,000 subscribers and 20 million views! It's happened in 8 months, an excellent result for any channel! And now it was December, a year later. Susan knew that changes are coming to Yuotute: in two months the monetization rules will be changed. What does it mean? This is when the author of a video (provided that everything in the video, both picture and sound, are yours) can earn money on views of his or her videos! Now, however, for this to happen, the author will need to have a quarter of a million minutes of video views per year and at least 1 thousand channel subscribers. Given the average video viewing time of 3 minutes, and about a million views per month, Nastia covered the new demands of Youtute more then 15 times! "Fantastic", - Susan thought: "A little girl, a schoolgirl, and she can earn on her creativity!" And although Susan, as the director of the high-tech Internet company, would increasingly like to see girls in senior positions in the Internet industry, Nastya's feat aroused her admiration, but also surprise!

Nastya's dolls came to life! For real! Susan-girl felt it and participated in it! She attended gymnastics and ballet lessons at Nastia's school, she was already free to sit on a split! So, Susan-girl was part of a fairy tale! "But how can this be?" - Susan-Director asked herself each time? It's really steeper than Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi ?! "Only this is not the 19th century, when daddies had to build dolls from the wood themselves, but the 21st century, and I myself turn out to be in a fairy tale", Susan-director thought! - "This is an elegant story for girls, moms and all those who love gymnastics and ballet, and believe that she is a princess!"

To be continued! Read Chapter 1 here:

Read Chapter 2 here:


Alexey Kudinov and Kids, Beatles Scholar - Youtube Scholar. Volume 3, Fairy tale story chapter 3 - I am a part of a fairytale!
Алексей Кудинов и дети. Битлз Школяр - Ютьюб Школяр, Том 3, Сказка Глава 3 - Я в сказке!

Originally written in Russian and Russian text should be referred for true meaning of words, sentences, phrases and the entire fairy tale text.
Оригинальный авторский текст - русский, и только русский текст может быть основным для правильного понимания содержания текста сказки и значения слов, предложений, фраз и всего текста сказки