The Tale of the disconnected electricity

Владимир Залесский Переводы
The Tale of the disconnected electricity

Members of the Central Committee of one political party have gathered for a big meeting. They rented business center for this purpose.

They sit in the big hall. Now work will begin.

The electric power is suddenly switched off. Light disappears. All sit in the dark.

The public has begun to exclaim to each other: "Ivan Ivanovich! Pyotr Petrovich! Nikolay Nikolaevich!"

Someone's voice was distributed: "Mikhail Sergeyevich! Mikhail Sergeyevich!"

Members of the Central Committee have begun to worry.

Have given the electric power to this moment. The light was turned on.

And remained it is unknown: who was urging Mikhail Sergeyevich? Who was Mikhail Sergeyevich?

January 17, 2018 09:43

Translation from Russian into English: January 17, 2018 10:40.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Сказка об отключенном электричестве”.