
Уильям Хиллмарк
I would have sold my memory to a devil or a just a passing by.
Just to forget these horrible torments, these kisses, theese night conversations, which had never began.
I would have sold my memory or give it away for free.
But who wanna get these torments, these smily faces, and sweetheart laughs that were not destined to be?
Who? Do you know someone?
Who would look after our children or build us a house and be our witness at our wedding.
Yes we are somehow very unic, searching for somebody,
That can show our something,which as for sure never existed.
And why do i still keep your eyes inside of my head?
See them on myself if we are not more close,
And every cold night, feel your warming, full of love arms,
Feeling that touches, that never were yours...
Why did i share so much time with somebody,
Who didn't do same special with me?
Maybe one day, i will get on my own,
But now please don't be that one gone.

P.S. Стихотворение написано на английском для универсального прочтения, без разделения мужских/женских ролей.

WillHill 2017