How to be a russian Santa Clause

Михаил Берсенев
Know Russia better. In a contrast to other countries Russia celebrates a New Year Eve on 31th of December. On 24-00 р.m. the chimes on a Savior Tower in Kremlin strikes and 01th of January starts as well as a New Year. In a west they have Santa Clause. in Russia we have Ded Moroz (Granddad Frost). For Russian Ded Moroz this time is a severe time. His heart and his liver and his stomach and his brains suffer significantly. There is a great hurdle he faces – he has to drink everywhere!
I have been experienced to act as Santa Clause and Ded Moroz many times. Me and my Snegurochka (Granddad girlfriend) who snuggled up to my wide back we were always drunk this period. This is Russian tradition to offer some vodka or spot of whisky or dim glass of a moonshine or champagne to those two fairy tales characters.
 All clients we come to congratulate were pouring us a booze. If you refuse that equals to becoming an irreconcilable foe for everybody around.
We were drinking and moving from one house to another. From one bar to another. In the end I become so retard that my Snegurochka had to support me to keep walking straight. My recalls of these parties about New Year Eve are so blurred. Sometimes my Snegurochka seemed to me a filthy ugly raccoon.
Very soon in one month this time will come again. 2018 on a porch.
I will put on my Santa suit and embrace my notorious Snegurochka. To be Santa Clause (Ded Moroz) in Russia is a very hard status but that is a great honor as well.
  Know Russia better. Come here on 31th of December and stay here with common people for a week. You will Know a lot about being Santa in Russia.
(Mikhail Bersenev/ Moscow)