Who promise to love always leave me

Александра Сербай
Who promise to love – always leave me,
The closest ones don’t seem to care.
I tried many times, please, believe me,
But all I have left is despair.

I’m tired of crying and waiting,
I’m tired of being alone.
I feel like it’s somehow degrading
I just want a place to call home.

A place warm enough to stop freezing,
A place big enough to host love.
A place for the trust to come easy.
A place where I’d be better off.

But life doesn’t grant us safe havens,
We all have to build them ourselves.
A partner I need to chase ravens,
Together to fill the bookshelves,

To fight and to laugh over trifles,
To share adventures and pain,
To scare away all that stifles,
To live and to love and to gain.