Meaning of the Book

Надя Бирру
I thought you would be able to get some of it yourself... but seems you didn't, you just took the book too personal... unlike me.

You know what makes a person a good writer? Not only the ability to notice things and retell stories using nice wording, not at all.

The main properties are: to analyze, to generalize things, facts, events and so on and come to conclusions... or - even better - to lead readers to conclusions by presenting 'material' in special way.

I have these abilities pretty developed :)

Now about the book, "KAMA".

First of all it's absolutely authentic 'psychological material', cause the story is real in every point, right? (may have EVEN scientific meaning, really).
How do ppl use books?
Not just for pleasure or time-spending. Ppl usually learn from books... they compare own behavior, own life, own feelings to given characters... I know it wasn't easy for you to be 'naked' in front of the world... but once you realize everybody in the world is the same... we are all humans and we all feel such things... there is nothing to be ashamed.

On the contrary...
as you said (in the end of the story) that 'every human has his own' facts and story...

yea, right, but why then we used to listen to some music which comes to us through centuries?

why ppl come from other countries to admire Mona Lisa by da Vinci?

Every human has own story but not every story has the same depth and beauty... some ppl may feel in very simple way... some feel a lot but not able to express...

we both are gifted in these fields: feelings and expressions.

That was general meaning.

Now about some particular aspects:

1. It aims to destroy stereotypes and prejudices: we belong to different worlds, different cultures and religions, to take it as whole: to different types of civilizations so the book helps to see the real face of every side + shows possibility for dialog, understanding and peaceful coexistence.

2. You actually (same like me) had a very good opportunity to explain your religion (Islam) to ppl of other religions. Good point, right?

3. We have there deep and meaningful man-woman communication... discussions of differences... problems... + methods to overcome the differences and stay respectful to each other anyways.

4. Same way as our bodies mostly consist of water, the same human being's reality is not physical but psychological so doesn't matter too much in which way ppl communicate: by personal presence or by internet. If there are problems they lay mostly inside of the relations, not in the means (internet itself) so the book also helps to realize the thought.

5. There is some interesting trend in modern world: such type of relation when woman is elder than her man... so our story reflects this tendency in reality and also explains something, gives answers to so many 'why?' and 'how?'

6. The way the book shows gradually changes in relation... change of interest... the way you gradually started to practice own religion... Even the very important point that in modern world still such ppl exist who pay so much attention to religious things... to moral values... care so much about their conscience... it all gives some special beauty to the story and as real story it may influent other minds and lives, too.

In the end...

7. the book has some personal meaning for me, of course: with its content it is included in the sequence of my novels so the end of the "Wanderer" and the beginning of the next novel "Natalie: art of living", I've been working at now, is hidden there, in KAMA.

8. Personal interest for you? :) well, we saved your portrait and 'some of you' for eternity, didn't we? :)

That's what I have to say about our novel... in brief :) but I think it's enough.

Any questions? :)

P.S. It SHOULD be THIS way - without any "side"-explanations. Honestly it's mostly reading for women who understand hidden things and enjoy them the most... or for those among men who understand feelings and emotions and good with 'reading between lines'.