July 12 - Day of Peter

Казаков Юрий Валентинович
     On July 12, late at night, a company car arrived to bring father to the hospital to provide surgical help.

     On this day, according to tradition, with the onset of darkness, the courtyard party started hooliganism. From somewhere they brought a few logs and began to lay them under the wheels.

     At that time, my father was sitting in the car. The driver jumped out to clear the barrier, but was stopped by his exclamation. "Wait, the guys are going to clean everything up themselves,"and turned to them with words. "I am a surgeon, they called me for surgery, I am cured like you are waiting for me."
After a silent pause, the boys cleverly removed the logs from under the wheels.

     My father got into the car. The driver slammed the door.

Original http://www.proza.ru/2017/07/15/1409