Harmonious feelings

Àëåêñàíäð Øóòîâ 3
5-th story

What are all beginning
Story of my writing

Now that I've been doing my life picture for last 40 years, I really do feel that I know who is I? For instance I know how steadfastly I strive to reach my full potential as a person. My school years, univer-sity and business it all were a big life picture, which reflected in my memory card by cards. And I know that at times it seems the more I struggle to stay ahead of the game, the more bad breaks life seems to deal me.

As a boy, I was ordinary kid among the others – we all were a big school team and our goals were among a lot of kinds of sports, lessons and backstreets meetings. Books, newspapers and TV’s programs were the main among themes I can gain more information. My father was a big reader – and sometimes I reread all he underlined red pencil in newspapers. Day by day I experienced and begun to feel my knowledge doubled more and more.

One day I back home with task from school write novel on free theme. I spend a lot of time in searching materials which I can use for this. Time a passed, but I haven’t anything for my novel.

An evening the last day before examine I addressed my question to father:
– Please, help me find material for my free writing theme.

Father look on me with the great attention, and said:
– I'm sure you have heard the expression:  "What you see is what you get."  In my experience this is a strong phrase when it comes to attracting the things I desire in life. That's because what we choose to see and focus on is likely to come to pass!.. 

– Let’s make one step to one history report – continued father... 
– Imaged, you as newspaper history reporter and you found story about one episode during II World War. The idea of using histories events to attract desired items or situations is not a new one.  Reporters like Ernest Hemingway, understood the power facts from real events what he want to give in short report in newspaper and where he want to go.  They shared their messages with the public, and over the time their knowledge bore fruit for many who tried and benefited learn more about time events. As a result, real history event have become a popular, simple, and effective method for manifesting what he want to come to pass...

I have been read father’s text of real history event, which was hold in Caucasian mountains during II World War and represented this one in form of report. It was my first narrative essay, which beginning from school branch, and gave me understood, experience and plan to the future, write only real story.

In shortly, this story about soviet soldiers, which defended mountain pass in North Caucasus by way to Baku from Nazi troops in late Autumn of 1942. Special mountain division of German troop came to this pass and have plan crossing it and catch Baku with aim cutting oil for Soviet army. Not less than thousand soviet soldiers defended mountain pass against more the five thousand German soldiers of special highland brigade.

During three week soldiers, which were young cadets of militaries school from  north Caucasus, defended pass and had been died as heroes  but not put German troop through the pass. Early winter closed mountain pass by the strong snow. Baku was saving from German plan.

Only after 30 years later, civil airplane discover the black pots on ice of the mountain pass. Special alpine group had been visited the pass place and indicated – black pots were soviet soldiers, which lied under one meter ice reflected by the bright summer rays. Nobody had news about ones happened during the last 30 years. All documents were found and soldiers were funeral with army honor.

I was very proud for attention and high mark from teacher about my novel in form of history report. It was my first recognition and I understood, so much mean write really narrative story, which appeared way for  empathized text, which became aware of understood and history truth.
Time by time I remember how I came to compose poetry poem by motive of the Ernest Hemingway novel “Islands in the Ocean”.

From first childhood father’s mention about Hemingway, in  my memory saved his name and all my life I say “thanks so much” my father for this one. Among a lot of books of the master Hemingway, “Islands in the Ocean” to leaved most significant and bright trace in my soul for long years. So wonder kinds of mental man faculties, create new things by means of transforming feelings.

By same way someone create poetry, music or writing books. I created composed thing – it was absolutely fantastic stage in my life. I was young man, with a little life experience, but with a big potential create new things.

I have been written descriptive novels in genre musical: five songs with poetry text and common music theme on half hour. From one side the main base of this compose was music, other – poetry text, which very emotional added common picture of Hemingway’s novel. Result was very impression for me – my musical novel was representing in one famous theatre, as part of musical performance by motive of   “Islands in the Ocean”.   

After a lot of years, I remembered about my second literature achievement as bright trace in my life. My recognition became first price from people and critics. I understood, descriptive writing based on strong feelings transformation born really something new, which can be impressed people as bright star of the feelings in life all of them. Combinations of feelings and descriptions (poetry & music) give people travel far from one author to next time imagination, which all he wrote so long years ago…   

My third writing experience was connected with post university time. I faced with one specific problem which valued my philosophy knowledge and exam. I spent two weeks in library and can’t find fitted theme for my exam by philosophy. My dream was writing about problem of consciousness.

At last I found book “The Machinery of the Brain”, - Dean Wooldridge. Author was from Research Associate California Institute of Technology. After few days I completed reading this book and was ready realize  my aim – writing reflective essay by name ”Materialization of  consciousness – philosophy and physics problems”.

Among others materials, which will be need for writing essay by this theme, I collected a lot of books,   science magazines and reports by this theme. I was wonder, how much knowledge I have to discover in my mind. I open that context of my essay should include describing of the historical, scientific, sociological, psychological, political and philosophy facts and information. First of all, I understood, it’s a backbreaking task for me. Consultation with my professor gave me direction and simple rules, which opened me way to make essay.

 Professor said me:
– Don’t worry, my dear friend. Operate from simple to complexity. Step by step, collect the most important info by each points of yours plan, and connect each of it in common pattern of your mind. What you want explain be opening after conclusions of each points your plan. Be logical, not use long and unsuitable words. Be skeptical and critical to knowledge you use, don’t take on faith what you reading in books. I’m sure, you‘ll open most interest in way writing. Your travel in world of knowledge will be not easy, theme is more mystical, then philosophy. You have two weeks, I wait you and wish success, – professor finished. 

Two weeks reflected in my memory as time in very long one day. I forgot about all in my life. I laid down plan on each day, and was collecting words by words for each point of my plan. Gradually, mystical stories exchanged on science and history facts. Info by newest physics and biologic experiences open for me absolutely new horizon of knowledge.

Professor met me exactly after two weeks of our last meeting. He looked on me and expressed me appreciation by my position be in time with paper by philosophy. His face expressed interest and sympathy to me.

He opened my paper and thirty minutes read without comments. By far, his eyes look on me with unfeigned attention.

– I never read something more interesting by this theme. Your paper not philosophy, it’s more like an investigation in history of science and philosophy by this theme. From other hand, I’m at first read about what you present at your point of view by materialization…

– Especially, formula of “Energy of reflection” and what’s time mean: “Time is absolute constant, which reveal in parameters of the Energy reflection by place of their action”…

– I invite you on Science Counsel of our University the day before tomorrow and ask you defend exam in front of one as priority yours so original minds… 

I walking down by street and remembered my writing ways, and what are all beginning in my life. Father’s replica: “Let’s make one step to one history report”, open new way in my life. My writing experiences bought me to University Counsel and my science future became not still far. Don’t afraid to make first step, lost time, - it’s really only absolute constant, and the only your persistence widen borders of knowledge and time became friendly and successful. 

Florida – Washington - New York  \ 2006
© Shutoff \ 2009