Harmonious feelings

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Aleksandr  Shutoff


New York – New Jersey – Florida

©2009 /  Shutoff 


Harmonious feelings
Story one feeling

I decided to spend my holiday weekend in Florida. By coincidence, weekend and great event – 4th July Independence Day was the Monday. I have 3 days which I can spend far from my house. I called my friends Anthony and Bridget, in Tampa, Florida and asked them help me spent free days in Florida. They were very glad hearing from me and being ready spend free day with me. Late night I was in Tampa airport. Hot air shook me, and I went to rent a car moving to my friend’s house.

After twenty minutes I was in nice accommodation of my friends. Their new wood house was in Canadian style – first floor in two differ level create expression of the great living space. Soft yellow lights emphasized village design in modern style. Second floor – there are three bed room, and one room - office for Anthony. We have discussed our life and plan on weekend sitting around the table at nice kitchen corner. After half hour we went to sleep. My room was at first floor, absolutely separately from others. Hot shower, nice bed and fresh wood smell, finishing my long day, and I was very glad I at last in Florida. I fell asleep at once...   

Morning  rain  awaken me at 7a.m. I had time for rest and decided returning to my minds by events of the last week. Sometimes I feel that our culture has become too obsessed with the idea of finding happiness. Advertising is constantly bombarding us with products, and lifestyles that promise to make our lives better and easier.

While I am a big believer in seeking contentment in life, I know that a breakfast cereal or certain car model is not going to help me find it. Moreover, I don’t believe it is possible to achieve a constant state of happiness. Just think about it, the feeling of being intensely happy never lasts for long. Yes, we can be happy about a new job, extra money or even a big car, but such feelings of happiness and elation are fleeting.

The people who seem to have the most contentment in life have something that brings them a sense of purpose. It could be a creative project, involvement helping others even a spiritual quest. For myself, I have discovered that my work as a manager-advisor is what makes me feel good. However, it is different for everyone and this is what I shake with my clients and colleagues when they come to me needing direction or lacking enthusiasm in their jobs and lives. I ask them to think about the things that bring meaning to their life and that give them a sense of purpose and then look for ways to fulfill that purpose.

Sometimes it could be something as small as taking a little walk in nature, tending a garden or calling to check up on a friend or neighbor. The positive feelings these moments bring are mean to be savored. There are many ways to experience contentment in our life. We just have to find what works for us. In my experience, once we start this process, it become easier and easier. It is about taking the time to honor our selves and those around us.

Phone call got back me in real time. Rain is gone. 

Anthony reminded me where I now, and inviting me to have a breakfast.
– What’s time now? - ask I Anthony.
– Nine o’clock, – said Anthony.
– I’be ready after 10 minutes, – I said. 
– O'k. We wait you, – said Anthony.

After breakfast we were discussing plan our Saturday trip. Anthony and Bridget gave proposal have a trip to Sarasota at west seaside Mexican Gulf of Florida.

– At once time, we’ll have a rest at beach along the seaside of Mexican Gulf – added Bridget.
– Nice plan. I’m agree. When we can move, – gladness and readiness were on my face.
– Let’s get my car – I added. 
– O'k. Let’s moving, – said Anthony.

We speeding along the high way, which divided Tampa Bay like a knife blade big bulk of cheese, crossing the Famous new Tampa Bridge, and after 40 minutes stopped at nice beach of the Gulf seaside. Endlessly of the sand and white light, bright blue waves and blinding sun create expression of something an eternity. We spent two hours at this nice beach, and driven to Sarasota.

Small city met us magnetic warm of the clean streets, colonial style houses, a lot of numbers the shops, restaurants, omnipresent “Subway” and “Starbucks” at down town, and mixed us with thousands of visitors. We found absolutely suddenly free table at old caf; and sitting under a cover in shade of the tree.

Anthony commented:
– There is memorial plate with Hemingway name. He was here at 1958. 
– Wonderful and history place, – said Bridget.

We have chosen Mexican cooks and fresh orange juice. Sharp spice of Mexican’s cooks gave so much comments during our dinner, and at last we finishing we order real strong coffee.

Bridget looked on plate with Hemingway’s name and said:
– I want tell you Alex one story, which not come out from my head. Our friend Donald died a week ago. He was a wonderful man. He lived alone during the last four years. Year ago he connected through internet with women from Crimea, and corresponding with her during eight month. After this, he visiting her in Crimea, and got back with great expression. Hers name was Natasha. He told me about one only in bright words. He met what he wants all his life. I saw her photos, she was really nice women. She was divorced, and during four years lived alone. Her daughter, Eva being lived in Boston, Massachusetts yet four years, and was married. Natasha had a dream live in US, and ‘ll hope  be closed the daughter. Donald and Natasha had decided marriage. They done all need documents for this procedure and were waiting permission from US immigration department… 

– I want to show you, Alex last letter from Natasha to Donald (he forget it the last visit our house). I hope you better understand simplicity and the same time – fascination soul women from other country.

I was beginning to read this letter. Natasha wrote:
“My Dear and loved Donald!

My bedroom harmonious with beauty, reigning in nature. Woody wallpapers make my room by village Feng Shui style. Beige blinds let the light, effusing from the light of the table green lamp, run through them easily. The most comfortable and pleasant place in room is my writing table. It is situated in the left corner of the bedroom, close the window. In the center of the table there is my green light lamp. A lot of pictures hang on the wall. There are a landscapes mostly and a few the sea. On other wall two big pictures by nature themes. There is a bouquet of white roses on the one of them and red apples on the other. A crack is noticeable on the frame of the picture with white roses.  So much wood in my room make it fit to Feng Shui style. Wood tarred smell fill up volume of the room. 

Enough, stop walking by my room. It is time to set off to do a limbering-up. A training apparatus is waiting for me. It occupies little space in my room, and stands in a free space upon the ladder. It’s playing an important role in physical development of my body. Due to it my body becomes resilient and muscular like a “sportsman’s one”. It is easy and calm on my heart. I`m be sure that winter brought harmony and pacification into my feelings.

Sleepy moon carry away me in stars voyage across the night sky. My seat and table placed in the bed room closed the window with view strictly to East. Wide view opens from the window and I see faraway to mountains and sea horizon. Green light lamp stands on my table and watch bells create timeless during evening time. It is a wide window into the world, especially at winter time. Every evening I spend a lot of time in my seat closed the window and doing something fit to my life. Wall watch beat every clock. Time follow me, like a ring of life. Green light lamp on my table and watch bell sounds create timeless during evening time.

Sunset reflect red rays on snowed heights of the mountains. Warm in my bedroom and red rays on the snowed heights of the mountains remind me a July evenings, when moon painted heights of mountains at silver lights of the night. Seasons mixing whether time in the Crimea during the year. This is fantastic place in the world and I proud I live in Crimea. I like writing novels by evening time.

One of them I wrote at once especially for you:

I met July in February
As two plus seven will be nine!
I heard from stars about seven wishes,
Which come to you when will decide!
Your life belong the stars and wishes,
Your heart and soul will be fine!
I saw my eyes you came to seven wishes
Through years which will be nine…

Dear Donald, if you remember, your first letter came to me at February. Your birthday is July too. It so romantic, that I met you in February, so by means of internet. I’m hope, my short poem reminding you about magical ways of souls, which connect people, wherever they not being…   

The evening came away. The night calls me to sleep. My city is loading in fog, and only lights of the street lamps and cars rays painted milk mixture. Thanks for this evening. I would wait first morning sun rays in my window and begin new day with lights on white roses on my room’s pictures.

Always yours, I asleep with your name,

I have returned letter Bridget. I express my vision by this one:
– Two different senses mixed in my mind. From one side – absolutely clear and sincere women’s life imagination story, from other – bright, simple and memorized words in poem. Natasha was very romantic women positively. Her soul opens from so many sides, and really, Donald received a wonderful present of life...

– I’m agreed with you absolutely – said Bridget. – Your face expressed something missing.

I felt it, and her eyes were filled with tears…
– You couldn’t believe, Alex, but story about Natasha and Donald reminding Hemingway’s story. They both were killed in auto accident at the same time and day, Saturday of July. It was happened at last week, Saturday. Donald was killed in car accident. He died at once. Eva was calling me after few days after Donald’s death. Natasha was killed car when crossing street on green light at midday Saturday. So absolutely unbelievably, Donald called me Friday, and told me about permission from Federal Immigration Service for uniting them in accordance of US’s low. Still one union was crashed by view of the celestial low. How knows, “For whom the bell tolls”…
Bridget looking on the plate, and added:
– Sorry me, Mr. Hemingway, but my story very sad. I’ll hope you writing about this in your next life. Fortune of this union and nice souls not found place in real world. Shakespear’s story is continuing in our time. Sorry my Lord, let them Happy and Love on heaven”.

Tears dropping by face of Bridget. Anthony was sitting in quit silent. I reminding words from Natasha’s poem and being sure that  Natasha’s and Donald’s “life will belong the stars and wishes”…, and they will  be Happy in other life.

Crimea – Florida – New Jersey \ 2006
© Shutoff \ 2009