It s real

Ñàðà Äæåéí Áëóì
 "The village. I stand on the burnt boards. I turn around and see a girl. Black hair, red like fire, eyes. Smells of something pleasant, relatives. Breathe her scent. Mint and wine.

— Who are you?

 I ignore her question and begin to approach her.

— Who are you? — she repeats.

 And I'm not listening. I walk as if hypnotized.

— Stay away from!

 The distance between us shrinking with every minute, second.

— Don't move! she said and one hand slices the air.

 Cheek whacked hot wave."

 Gasping, I jerk sat down on the bed. The left cheek was burning. I put a cold hand. In my head throbbed. I fell back on the pillow and sleep a little receded. I looked at the ceiling, painted in blue sky colour.

 The staff weakened. I was about to go into the shower. Headphones still dangled around the neck. I looked at the player and saw the list of song that have not heard. "Eighteen moons". Where did it come from? I chose to play it. Sounded melody. A voice I didn't recognize, but the song seemed vaguely familiar.

"Eighteen moons, eighteen years,

Eighteen of the horrors of the deep

Eighteen of dreams, and weeping during sleep,

Your fall is inevitable..."

 Music evoke sadness and shudder. Some kind of hypnotic effect.

 Already in the shower cubicle, rubbing his hands with soap and water, I tried to forget about annoying nightmare. I believed that if I didn't have to think about it, nothing bad will happen. I couldn't resist the thoughts about the girl. Time after time I return to my dream about her, still not finding any explanation. What can I say? It became my secret. I was twenty years old, and I dream of a girl that doesn't exist in the world. I slowly went crazy.

 Breakfast was as always, in silence.

— Well, kid, do you think your life continue to track: on the couch or still, get on the bed?

 I looked at the time dilation in Tokyo Jupiter, who, looking me in the eye, brazenly grinned.

— Breakfast is over! — Reiji stood up from the table.

 All went well.

 As I walked into the music room, I thought about the girl. Somehow all too real for a dream. I opened the door and saw the stranger. She sat at the piano and played...the same, unknown to me, a ringtone from the player. Eyes closed, I shook my head and looked at the chair where she was sitting. But she wasn't there!

 I heard the melody. The same one from the player. But apparently, no one except me, did not pay her attention. I sounds penetrated directly under the skin. I found out the motive and the moment she heard the words spoken in my mind as loud and clear as it was then in the headphones. However, the verse has changed a bit.

"Eighteen moons, eighteen years.

From the rifts of thunder deaf ears.

Eighteen miles left before her.

Eighteen fears torment of the soul..."

 Eyes closed, I closed my hands over my ears. Melody was too loud, but with every second she was becoming quieter and quieter. I exhaled and opened his eyes. The brothers looked at me like I'm crazy.

— Shu, what are you doing?

I'm breathing deeply, looked at his brother. Staring at me astonished eyes.

— Nothing.

— No, you tell me! What was that?

— I told you. Nothing.

— Nothing? And you call this "nothing"? wondered, time dilation in Tokyo Jupiter. — You should have seen yourself!

— Enough!

I banged his fist on the table and stood up from the table.


 Standing on the burned boards, I thought of Edgar.

"Burn the roofs of houses, and for open doors Vyritsa curly fire. Through the dark dry boards of the roof, quickly optiva her, twisted gold, red tape. A quiet crackle, rustle of silk beat in the window glass. The fire still grew."

 I shook my head. Memories haunted me whenever I came into the village.

— Who are you?

 I turned around and saw a girl. Black hair. Red eyes. Mint and wine. I looked at her, afraid to breathe.

— Who are you? — she repeated.

 As in a dream, I started to approach her.

— Don't.

 I didn't listen to her.

— I clearly said: "don't"! — she cut the air with a flick of the wrist.

 Cheek gave a hot wave.