A Dream

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There is something in me,
Screaming out loud
Is it my soul or my heart?
I truly doubt.

There is something in me,
Like a storm cloud,
Heavy and hard
Breathing out.

I looked at the mirror,
And what did I see?
I saw myself,
Nothing but me.

But inside of the eye
There was a glimpse
Of something inside
Living in me.

I looked closer,
And what did I see?
I saw the universe,
The universe that is me.
I saw the planets, the skys and the stars.
It all was there,
Living inside.

I feel it's moving,
And about to burst.
My universe is burning!
Perhaps I'm cursed?

The planets, the stars and the skys are cracking,
Invisible monsters came attacking.

I ran the cold water,
And washed the fire down.
I opened my eyes,
And then realised:
That the sun is up,
And the new day begun,
All is forgotten,
The nightamre is gone.