The Volga-Akhtuba flood land. Synopsis

Виктор Каблов 3
 Environmental Situation: Problems And Solutions For Its Improvement

Волго-Ахтубинская пойма. Экологическая ситуация: проблемы и решения по ее улучшению: монография, издание 2-е, дополненное / В. Ф. Каблов, В. Е. Костин, Н. А. Соколова, С. И. Благинин, С. В. Яковлев, Л.В. Курылева; ВПИ (филиал) ВолгГТУ. – Волгоград, 2016. – 457 с.
ISBN 978-5-9948-1877-0

(Book Summary)

This book is about the Volga-Akhtuba flood land, depicting all of its diverse features – from its geography and nature to its crisis state problems; it is about the flood land as a natural-technical system, about the problems of hydrogeology and biodiversity, about the capabilities of adaptive ecosystem management, as well as about conducting environmental protection efforts.
Besides the flood land itself, the other ‘characters’ in the book are Volzhskaya Hydropower Station being one of the main factors influencing the flood land environment and the people involved in the study and rescue of the flood land. Volzhskaya Hydropower Station is the largest one in Europe, the crown jewel of our energy sector, but at the same time one of the main factors contributing to the environmental disruption of the flood land.
The purpose of the book is not only to increase awareness of the flood land problems, but also to put forward some proposals on its rescue (while it is still there). It is also about the obstacles standing in the way to achieving this goal. These obstacles are our rash actions, failure to see the flood land problem as a priority, and a lack of the environmental ethics of responsibility.
This ‘story” still has no ending. It is not that we are just close to a catastrophe, but we have already reached the breakage/bifurcation point. The flood land system can undergo irreversible degradation from some small additional impacts, or it can start its recovery with the help of our efforts.
The book presents two viewpoints – that of environmentalists and Lower Volga residents, on the one hand, and energy sector and Water Resources Agency representatives, on the other. According to the first point of view, the main concern is preserving the flood land and its riches, whereas the second standpoint relates to water management issues for the entire Volga. (The energy sector representatives’ viewpoint is given in Chapter 9).
The book is characterized by a wide variety of material.
It is noteworthy that the authors personally treat the flood land as a gem of nature in the region (Chapter 1. Our flood land: section 1.1. Once it happened to me, and it will happen to you sometime, 1.2. My flood land, 1.3. Lakes full of fish, 1.4. Volzhskaya Hydropower Station, 1.5.Magic World, 1.6.The First Textbook of Nature). A big section in the first chapter is dedicated to the activities of ECOS Environmental Squad of Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute, since these young people are so much relied on in the cause of rescuing the flood land (section 1.8.).
The book provides quite a detailed description of the Volga-Akhtuba flood land in general theory terms, characterizing the flood land as a natural-technical system (chapter 2).
At the same time, it is in need of support if it is characterized by undesired critical deviations.
The monograph considers ecosystem modeling methods based on methods and models proposed by Forrester and Meadows, and the sustainable development concept based on them (Chapter 3. Think global, act local).
The book also looks at environmental ethic concepts, in particular, those stated in the works of N. Moiseev, and Hans Jonas’s ‘ethic of responsibility’. The imperative consistent with the new character of human activity is that you should ‘act in a way that the consequences of your activity are compatible with the support of truly human life on the Earth’.
Section 3.12.considers current priorities existing in society. Unfortunately, environmental priorities are actually not at the top of the list, and the attention paid to them by the mass media is incomparable with the coverage of sport developments, for example.
Managing environment is a formidable task. Developing strategies and directions is accompanied by a high degree of uncertainty of environmental situations and a number or deep-rooted myths about environmental management (The Myths of Environmental Management and Environmental Impact Assessment, section 3.3.).
Section 3.12 ‘The system ecology of the flood land. The flood land as an open thermodynamic system’ is an attempt to apply the most general thermodynamic approach to the ecological system. The general conclusions contain justification of eco-system sustainability and self-organization as long as it is an open system. A formula is proposed to assess flood land complexity as a system. Human impact can be a favorable factor. The term ‘ecological hysteresis loop’ has been introduced (this process has a certain relation to the succession process). The non-linear dynamic of ecosystems has been considered, including the catastrophe theory angle.
As the flood land is part of the Volga ecosystem, the ecology of the Volga upstream of Volgograd and Volzhsky was also considered. The environmental situation in the Middle Volga region is next to being disastrous. The Volga as such is non-existent there. What we have had there for a long time is a natural-technical system, with the Volga water being only partially purified on its way to us. 
Another serious problem encountered in reservoirs is the so-called blue-green algae, which produce dozens of harmful substances.
River ecology is a problem which is dealt with the world over. Section 4.2 looks at the international experience in solving ecological problems of rivers in Europe.
 The problems of the Lower Volga and adjacent areas are also considered. This is a densely populated industrial area, which cannot but influence the state of the Volga and its tributaries. The problem of unpurified household and storm-water runoff remains high on the agenda. Fishing boats are also major contributors to the pollution of water bodies.
Chapter 5 is one of the most important ones in the book. It contains suggestions aimed at improving the environmental situation in the Volga-Akhtuba flood land. Such suggestions have been made by quite different people and organizations for many years. Making Volzhskaya Hydropower Station operate in an eco-friendly mode is one of the key issues. The important thing is that the flood land is no longer a natural system, but a controlled natural-technical one (section 5.2.). 
The book also considers projects and efforts of Volgograd Polytechnic Institute (branch) of VSTU to improve the Volga-Akhtuba flood land situation, including the activities of the student design bureau concerning renewable sources of energy and environmental problems of the flood land (sections 5.3 – 5.5.), as well as the activities of VPI’s ECOS environmental squad and student design bureau (sections1.8., 5.3-5.4). The Vokga-Akhtuba flood land is a source of bio-resources, which include not only fish and crayfish but also renewable vegetation (section 5.4).
The monograph gives a detailed account of the use of southern reed, which grows abundantly in the flood land area, in construction, as a pelleted high-calorie and eco-friendly kind of fuel, as well as for obtaining sorbents used in fighting accidental oil spills, production of fertilizers, fodder, etc.  There are also some data about the medicinal plants of the flood land. Obviously, it is impossible to describe all the resources in a single book. Thus, organic slime and lake mud are quite valuable resources too. A Russian poet Velimir Khlebnikov wrote in 1918 about ‘lake soup’ (lake sediments saturated with microorganisms as a possible source of nutrients) (5.4).
Fires are regarded as a huge calamity for the flood land, which is severely detrimental to its ecosystem. Section 5.7.considers new methods and technologies to extinguish fire outbreaks using new environmentally safe compositions, small aircraft and drones, as well as other means.
Sections 5.4.3.and 5.7.8. deal with the most important problems of recovering fish resources of the Volga and the flood land, as well as sturgeon breeding.
Chapter 6.Hair raisers. Flood land eschatology.An overview of media publications concerning the state of the flood land. This is a wail of anguish for the dying flood land. All of the previously made warnings have come true.
Something is being done and people are trying to help the flood land by themselves. Finally, more substantial efforts have been undertaken, such as pumping water into some yeriks (shallow channels in the Volga basin), etc. It has been spoken about before.
Finally, a project is being approved at the federal level to supply water directly to the Akhtuba, which is one of the key elements in saving the flood land.
However, now it is time to talk about a second birth of the flood land, rather than its salvation.
In the second edition of the book, the existing chapters have been reviewed and new chapters have been added (chapters 7-10) to account for the environmental situation in 2016.
Chapter 7.Spring flood.Environmental situation in 2016. The Volga-Akhtuba flood land is getting a second life. In 2016, there is a chance of salvation for the Volga-Akhtuba flood land due to unexpectedly high water during the flood.   
Nonetheless, all the threats, problems and need for action to save the flood land have not disappeared.
One year with good flood is not enough for flood land restoration, moreover so since little water years are forecast to be coming.
Besides, having high water after many years of drought is not always good for the flood land biosystems, in particular, for its vegetation.
Chapter 8.Volzhskaya Hydropower Station and ecology.The energy sector’s perspective. A variety of data from the energy sector reflecting their point of view is presented. It would be unfair to say that Volzhskaya Hydropower Station is indifferent to the flood land problem. The information posted on RusHydro’s website relates to the complex nature of the problem. Not every problem can be ascribed to the operation of the power station. One should take an unbiased look at the myths and real facts related to the operation of the Volga cascade of hydropower stations.
This is an important addition to the problem.
The book also gives information on the environmental activities undertaken by Volzhskaya Hydropower Station and its ecology-related priorities.
Chapter 9 is dedicated to one of the most pressing issues – recovery of disrupted and degrading ecological systems.
The problems which need to be dealt with if the flood land is to be recovered are quite challenging.
A dried-out lake can be filled with water, but it will take a long time before such a reservoir filled with water becomes a lake again. A lake is a microcosm, in which the biocoenosis (community of organisms) and biotope (living space including mineral and organic substances, pH media, mechanical and physicochemical substrate properties and other abiotic factors of the environment) form an organic unity.
The complex biocoenosis of the lake has to be recovered – from sediment dwellers (benthos), microorganisms, worms, mollusks and insects in all strata of water to fish, birds, bottom and coastal vegetation, etc. The material component of the ecosystem (biotope) will have a difficult recovery too. Even after that, the natural system will not return to its former self. This issue is discussed in a few sections of the book (chapters 3 and 9). Consideration is given to some international projects in the Lower Volga region, implemented together with federal and regional authorities, nature parks, research institutions, universities and non-profit organizations to preserve biodiversity and restore ecosystems.
The flood land has a unique biocoenosis, which includes both indigenous, permanently residing organisms and those which spend only part of their lifecycle in its territory (e.g. birds migrating across the flood land territory), though this part of their lives is very important.
Chapter 10.Reviews on the book and problems of the Volga-Akhtuba flood land and its revival.Suggestions and remarks.
This chapter presents not only reviews on the book with additional information, but also remarks, thoughts and suggestions as to how the flood land ecology can be improved.
A suggestion has been made to establish a special fund for the preservation and revival of the flood land (Yu.F. Baryshev). Some ideas of the authors regarding active interaction with nature capitalizing on intelligence and science have been discussed («In Michurin’s defense»). They are not only reviews, but also critical remarks, scientific arguments and reflections related to flood land restoration. The authors suggest that 2017 be declared the year of the Volga-Akhtuba flood land in the region under the umbrella of the year of ecology (2017 has been declared the year of ecology by the decree of the President of Russia).

Монография содержит обзор экологической ситуации, сложившейся на территории Волго-Ахтубинской поймы в последние годы, дано описание поймы как природно-технической системы, как в общетеоретическом плане, так и в конкретной ситуации. Рассмотрены методы моделирования экосистем и управление ими, а также концепции экологической этики. Анализируются возможные меры по улучшению сложившейся ситуации, в том числе предложения сотрудников Волжского политехнического института (филиала) ВолгГТУ. Рассказывается об уже принятых мерах и проведенных мероприятиях, в том числе о деятельности студенческого экологического отряда «Экос», рассмотрены источники биоресурсов Волго-Ахтубинской поймы, дан обзор публикаций по кризисному состоянию поймы.
Во втором издании, значительно дополненном и расширенном, описывается ситуация, сложившаяся в Пойме в 2016 году, даются данные по восстановлению рыбных запасов, особенностям обводнения Волго-Ахтубинской поймы, данные по мониторингу поверхностных водоемов, значительно расширена третья глава, в которой даются теоретические основы функционирования экосистемы Поймы, размещены отзывы о первом издании книги, рассуждения о проблемах Волго-Ахтубинской поймы и ее возрождении.
Монография может быть полезна представителям природоохранных предприятий, органов местного самоуправления, преподавателям экологических и краеведческих дисциплин, аспирантам, студентам, а также широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся проблемами Волго-Ахтубинской поймы.
Табл. 32. Илл. 89. Библиогр.: 384 назв.