Source of happiness

Надя Бирру
Real source of happiness is a humble and grateful heart.

it is easy to show with parable: the way God works, the way we wish and accept... let's say once upon a time there are lived two men who had a similar dream: to live in a palace! :)
They were 'good believers' so both prayed their best. The difference was: one had a humble heart and another had a proud one. So God answered the prayers of both but instead of wonderful big palace He gave them a small seed :)

Proud person got angry, threw the seed away and went to some other land for searching his luck himself. We lost his tracks, so we leave him with his 'luck'.

The humble person took the small seed, said THANKS to God and planted the seed into ground. With time pass there was such an unusual and beautiful tree with nice smell and mighty branches. All kinds of singing birds came here to live and sing. The man loved the tree, loved to be sitting there and thinking and praying in peace. He lived in a simple house nearby but he was so much satisfied with the place and the way he lived that he even forgot about his dream.
But it happened one king was passing by the place and was astounded  by wonderful tree and the man who was sitting under the tree with such kind and happy smile the  king even has never seen before. They had a talk and the king found the man had wisdom and something more.
- Come with me! - asked the king. - You will live in my palace and will be one of my best adviser!
Man laughed and answered:
- You know, my dear lord, once it was my dream to live in a palace... but God sent me the tree and it appeared I need nothing else - it is the best I could ever wish, I am happy!
So the king had nothing to do... as to build one more palace nearby : ) And the wise man's wish came true anyways... now when he knew the real 'value' of dreaming and the real meaning of happiness and still he had his humble heart which he might loose living in palace... :)

So now you see it: real source of happiness is humble and grateful heart.