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‘Lucky boy...'‘Broken rib, blunt-force trauma of the head, post-traumatic...'
'It’s all when the car was smashed and turned upside down...'
'It' took a long time to get them out...'
'Baby car seat is the best invention...'
'But his mother... unconscious, there's all sorts of injury, massive internal hemorrhaging, multiple bone fractures. God bless if she still alive.'
People in white robes chatted about something above the child's yet unconscious body.
A corset was bandaging to his chest, and quiet, rhythmic beeping continued permanently, and green and yellow tracks slid across the screen indicating steady breathing and heartbeat.
'He’s back, he has regained consciousness'.
His eyelids trembled and his sky-blue eyes opened. His look focused on an old face.
'My congratulations, young man,' The old doctor with gray beard said. There was a white bonnet with Red Cross on his head. 'What's your name?'
'Adam', the small lips whispered.
'Adam...' the old man said. 'And how old are you?'
'It's good. He knows his age!'
'Where’s my mom?' Small lips trembled and the whites of his eyes became wet. 'I want my mom.'
'It's not yet possible,' the old man said. 'She's not here. She’s getting cured now.'
'I want my mom,' he insisted and started to try to slide from the bed, pulling all wires and transparent tubes with which he was swathed. The nurses rushed to calm the boy.
'You must lie down', said the gray-bearded man. 'You got concussion and rib fracture.'
The baby did calm down and stopped resisting for two nurses that backed him to bed.
'You'll create Eva from it?'
The medics in the room froze. It's coming from the mouths of a three year old baby?!
'Why do you decide I'll create Eva from it?' the old man amazed.
'Because you are...' baby's voice stopped as he couldn't say this word aloud.
'Creator, God... why do you think the way?'
Kid's face became harder. He thought.
'You spoke with me,' finally he said.
'When?' The beard's man’s eyes became bigger.
'Just before when I arrived here.'
Everyone in the room waited for that story to continue.
'So far away...' his lips whispered. 'You held my rib in your hand...'
'...and promised that you would create from this...'
'It's amazing!' the nurses noised. 'The journey to another World... something biblical...'
‘Well, I could just give you an apple,' smiled the old doctor.
'I don't want to eat it,' said Adam. 'I'll bring it to Eva.'
'You are a real Adam.' the old man admired.
Two big child's eyes had become smaller and smaller. The kid didn't say anymore. The dream knew its job. The harness of wires and tubes became a big snake that whispered him something. From small nostrils there came a silent snore. Heartbeat was calm, breathe became slower, but deeper.
He saw a girl with big eyes that filled with curiosity. 'It's she,' he thought. The leaves of fruit trees swished above them. The wind blew harder and the fruits started to fall down. The big red apple fell into Adam's palm. He raised it to the girl. She smiled and bit it. 'Now you,' she said. And he did it so.
He opened eyes. It was dark behind the window. The lamp sent light to a small table near his bed. On the table there was a big red apple untouched by small children's teeth. Adam was amazed. He couldn’t catch an invisible thread that separated a dream from the  reality of life. He wanted to back to the same garden and closed his eyes:

...a small stick in her palm was all that did remained of the apple. She left him nothing.