My life in the Alekseevskaya hospital. Part 3. 2

Николай Москвитин
Chapter two

   Satanist occured in the 11-th room. It was room for very hard patiants 910-th room was a room for simply hard patiants). His name was Pavel. He took drugs and than he had taken some very danger drug. I sitted in front of room and cried. It was real tragedy! He was very slight and was as died person. But when he recovered he have down some not very good things.
   he was chemisrty and he was constantly speeking about chemistry or his realigion. He liked to cause fesr by strange jokes. He saind the society had wrong image of satanist. Satanist is just black-humor person with special philosophy, which is not as fall angel. it could be discribed russian word pricolist. But these jokes brought many fears and even tears.
  This satanist and his friendes didn't give me sleep and I cried of it. My neibours made me stop cry and were very cruel. So I needed in help.