My life in the Alekseevskaya hospital. 3. 13

Николай Москвитин
   Third story was connected with my medicine and panik attack. Ones Anton tried to cause it by lighting into my eyears. Then when it really was after other reasson he agreed to call doctor. Doctopr helped me and then I talked with Anton. He said my medicion is grug and I must have not get it. When I said I had felt bad after it he was persvaded in his own advise. And when doctor come to me I said Anton wanted i didn't get medicine. we were quarelled. but then he calmed me when I was in panick attack and the rain was outdoors. He said the rain would help me to calm and also I could to imagine how my hair moved. He made funny souds of Pterodactile and tryed to help me very much. So all became good.
   i am sure there are others stories about my behaving but know I want to tell you about me in myself.