My life in the Alekseevskaya hospital. 3. 8

Николай Москвитин
   Aleksandr as I had said was psyholog and see-man and lied on the most write bed from mine. As I has said he joked very mauch and often in wrong way. He comstantly speaking about women and things, connected with thve. so he asked me forteen times to write acrostih for most part of personal of our department. I will post them later.
   aleksandr liked some other themes to discuss. He often told about alkogol, about his past,  about psychology and about russings pope-songs. He liked my poems when I had told him them. He wrote some texts of songs for me and I was greatfull to him for it. Often he did something wich made me harm--to drink coffee, to speak about onanizm,to advise against panik attack in the wrong way.
  Often he prevented me to cure of panik attack, but he could help. He called personal to save me and he tried to advise in right way and sometimes he was sucseeded me in it. thst id all I want to say about him.