My readers Conquista in Russian

Владимир Павлович Паркин
Vladimir P. Parkin
My readers "Conquista in Russian" and other things.

Author's note to the Pentalog

A warning:
Roman, the novel for the attention of the dear reader, - an adventure, a work of art without claims for the academic title of "historical" in the full sense.
The novel as a literary form, the novel is different from not only a large number of his characters and other actors deployed in time, latitude of action, multi-dimensional set and described by the author of religious, political, philosophical outlooks and problems.
In the first place, the task of describing the formation of the character of the protagonist of his personal qualities throughout the narrative unfolded.

No Person with the "Big" letter - there is no character, there is a literary work..

My rotmistr (captain of the gendarmerie) Alexander G. Kudashev undoubtedly a person, in his own way, gifted from birth, but not to break into the ranks of the "geniuses" of art, politics or military affairs. Such a task to himself  Kudashev and not intended. He just faithfully served his people and his homeland. Life, the surrounding reality, the people, their own and others - often very cruel, deliberately or even unwittingly, bring in Kudashev resistance, loyalty, the ability not only to overcome the difficulties, but also to go out alive from the most hopeless situations.

His inner life is difficult, how complex the human soul is gifted. No mental and physical torment, through which he did not have to go through. However, "To be or not to be", to serve-not-serve, love-not-love, back non-return - like "Hamlet" issues Kudashev not suffer.

The unfortunate Danish prince Hamlet - Hamlet's fate. For Kudashev - the life for which he was created. Such as Kudashev in Russia - thousands. Simple, powerful, pure in heart, faithful to their environment, their people, their duty.
But not every destiny of such tests as Kudashev.

Kudashev "was", there is and always will be. He served as a homeland forever. He always loved! Always Kudashev come back when there was an opportunity. And I never cursed with misfortunes or their fate, nor their superiors, nor rulers, nor their homeland. So, so wrong. Changed the rules of the "Great Game" - means to play by the new rules, but with one condition: all the for and in the name of the motherland!

His exploits in the field of foreign intelligence for himself simple. Without a high self-esteem as a result of the actual work.

Russian officer scout-illegal captain Alexander Kudashev successfully opposing aces British and German intelligence services, however many times the victim is not only greedy treacherous scheming in their own environment, but also the big politicians, to whom he was only a "figure" in the Great Game .

He did not complain about his fate, did not seek justice in the corridors of power when he was wrongly accused of treason dignitaries of the Empire, deprived of the opportunity to live at home. He honestly served the motherland, its people. Always Alexander Kudashev come back to his family in his own home, when it was a possibility.

Kudashev honestly and faithfully performed his job in difficult politically the years before the First World (or German) War.
But policy-makers need information that they could use in their plans. They do not need reliable information.
Unique documents and materials submitted in Kudasheva Intelligence Division of the Office of the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Empire did not bring him, no prizes, no sense of inner satisfaction.

The bloody 1941 Kudashev was far away from the motherland - Russia, in the mountains of the Himalayas. But World War II and came back. Kudashev was strong in the consciousness of the fact that a Russian officer - a Russian officer in the mountains of the Himalayas. No connection, no power - it does not matter. Enemy Russia, the Soviet Union and the enemy came to the Himalayas. Its objectives strategic dominance in the world, the tactical purpose - installed on top of the mountain radio tower relay for direct connection to Berlin-Tokyo. Kudashev organizes the destruction of the German airship with the Nazis' Sonderkommando "Tibet" on the board. It was a victory. A small victory has become an integral part of the great Russian victory over Nazi Germany. Suppose it was not about that little victory in the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau.
This victory over the German fascists, against the enemies of the USSR filled his tortured soul happiness of belonging to their homeland. So, after all, he did not live in vain.

Alas, Alexander G. Kudashev  was not given happiness to take the hands of their grandchildren, but his grandchildren was granted by Providence possibility to read diaries, chronicles his grandfather's written far, far away, there, beyond the Hindu Kush, the mountains of the Himalayas!
Read on and you!

Sincerely, Your Vladimir P. Parkin.

Post scriptum.
I beg your indulgence as to the author: in these notes I write about my literary hero, as a living person. According to another does not work. I would not have seen him in the flesh - and literary image would be false as a bad cartoon.

Your Vladimir P. Parkin.
