
Анита Маевская
Sullen gray sky is close to cry by rain on wandering on the street people. Every passerby thinks about owns and each has purpose to bestow a look of contempt other in this world.  All somewhere to go, hurry, hiding in the high collar of his coat. And they don't see nothing.

From the side on the other hand they are being watched by recently dead people, who have not switched to the light yet. Among them are elderly, young and even children.

The children worn everywhere without realizing what is happening. In other matters  children mustn't to know, they are happy to don't understand the "Death".

Someone of young in hysterics and trying to prove the death that is not for them, they are not dead, it's unfair.

Old men lament as true to the will of fate, for nefarious grandchildren that have not paid to doctors for the operation or something like that. They also do not want to die.

Nobody wanted. All assured - their time has not come yet.

There is in this idyllic afterlife those which does not agree with this idea. She invisible to the human world and invisible to the dead world. Woman with exhausted eyes watching the transience of human life, their  search of the target. Like them, each with their speed will inevitably approaches to her.

Taking a deep breath, the stranger took out of the air and swung her scythe, in this world suddenly became quiet again, only heard her steady breathing. Once again looking at the hurrying people she grinned.

It is better to die now, than to go no known amount of painful steps to do the same.

She hide her braid, and was gone before the next customers.