The masterpiece of God

Анна Ритрих
You know, I'm not a master
and I havent done a msterpiece
I'm more like freak
and maybe even geek.

Once the sound in heart of all exites,
the other silence stops the time.
The Curiousity is awaken
and it's happiness is already somewhere taken

Sometimes she is like beauty happy lady?
sometimes she is only glance of shady.
Sometimes her mind is sitting in the corner of her inner thoughts,
there is someone who previously taught

She hides her tears behind the most sincere smile,
behind the scenes her actor falling down
and there is sincere smiling town
where her soul is living , maybe sometime something achiving.
She seldom crying and maybe people are admiring
it's better be to everybody clown,
than show how life is beating down

She is that girl who doesnt want to laught the loudest
who not pretend to be the best
and win the heart of rest

She is an ice queen in her emotions
in her sadness
but people do remember
How kind her heart it is
How honest and deep her ocean eyes,
a lot of people sinking here without trying to survive
She is calmly, kindly helpful lady
who is missing terriblyy her Daddy
Sometimes her world is shaking down
and she stop to playing clown
that time she is too serious about
that even couldnt shout aloud spelling thoughts
that nobody her taught.
Yes, this is simply  me,
I try to set me free.