Cosmic philosophy Tsiolkovsky and Chizhevsky

Майоров Дмитрий Николаевич
Dmitri Nikolaevich Mayorov
 The religious origins of cosmic philosophy Tsiolkovsky and Chizhevsky
Russian Space Art, as a philosophical phenomenon, it is impossible to imagine without the works of thinkers such as the KE Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935 gg.) And AL Chizhevskogo (1897-1964 gg.). They are the successors of the cosmic ideas NF Fedorov, therefore, is absolutely true, evaluate their work as the fundamental, in a patriarchal sense in the philosophy of Russian cosmism. Influence of ideas of a thinker on the other was of immediate nature, on the occasion of a personal acquaintance, so consider the teachings of KE Tsiolkovsky and AL Chizhevskogo under one title, in this paper, will be logically relevant, especially since he AL Chizhevsky Tsiolkovsky wrote: "In my personal research activities Tsiolkovsky has played a very important role." Characterized by the chain close personal continuity of communication cosmists thinkers that goes from NF Fedorov to KE Tsiolkovsky, and from the latter to the AL Chizhevsky. Adhering to the principle in the study of these ideas cosmists philosophers - from the older to the younger - it is advisable to start with KE Tsiolkovsky.
Tsiolkovsky in our country is known for, literally, all as a father of astronautics, rocket inventor. The fact that he was also a thinker, to develop a kind of "cosmic philosophy", few know. However, even in books and articles devoted to his personality and contribution to national and world science for a long time, there is little written about his own philosophical views, ignoring all the "strange", a fantastic, it is not befitting the "father" and the founder of a large positive knowledge of the industry and activity. Many of his philosophical pamphlets in thin booklets, coming one after another in 1920 in Kaluga Tsiolkovsky presents methods of transformation of the Earth, confirming their mathematical calculations and tables. About him, as a philosopher, became known only 70 years later, in the late 80's and early 90's. of the last century. And no less important is the fact, as noted by VV Kazyutinsky in his work "The man, the world, God in the cosmic philosophy KE Tsiolkovsky ", that:" ... he - Tsiolkovsky - regarded as his greatest achievement is not the theory of rocket and cosmic philosophy, revealing the meaning of life, the goals and prospects of mankind on putii into space to achieve "perfect and beautiful" future ".
On the formation of his philosophical ideas, as previously mentioned, it had an enormous influence NF Fedorov, on the occasion of a personal acquaintance in the Rumyantsev Libraries are in Moscow, where Tsiolkovsky, as Fedorov engaged in self-education, first - as a student, the second; a taciturn teacher. Fedorov ideas of struggle with death and the general resurrection like every human affairs, the young Tsiolkovsky not only adopted, but also developed them, cementing precise mathematical Settlement. Tsiolkovsky, the implementation of the "common cause" Fedorov saw the following problem: if resurrect all who ever lived on earth, he would not question whether their resettlement in the world sharp, because our planet can not accommodate all. From here Tsiolkovsky an idea of space exploration as possible, in the future, the space for the life of the risen and transfigured humanity. In the "Philosophy of the common cause" we do not find a science-fiction Hobbies, mesmerizing his only possible embodiment of the future. Fedorov develops a basic outline, the plan "a common cause", puts a total concept form the main task of mankind. In this sense, it is more a philosopher than Tsiolkovsky, which is characterized by a special artistic and imaginative detailing anticipatory dreams.
For Tsiolkovsky Space Art - a natural attitude and because of human access to space, he believes, it is predetermined and its duration depends only on the decision of a purely technical problems.
The ideas of the relationship of man and the cosmos in particular stood out in the works of KE Tsiolkovsky, who even calls one of them "Space philosophy". "The entire cosmos makes our lives - he wrote - all continuously and all may be one." Tsiolkovsky not simply points to the relationship of man and the cosmos, but also highlights the human dependence on it. "... It is difficult to imagine that any of its (space) part had no sooner or later impact on us."
Tsiolkovsky was the first ideologue and theoretician of mankind's space expansion. He believed that the space inhabited by intelligent beings, who took responsibility for the course of evolution, is the abode of happiness. The earth with its pangs of biological and social development - a kind of genetic reserve. When humanity is far gone from the animal, aware of its modest place on the evolutionary ladder, and the backlog of intelligent life in outer space, it transforms the Earth and themselves. It is necessary to take the fate of the Earth, since its future is the fate of the universe.
It is scientifically elaborates the idea of human exploration of the fertile tropical land, the transformation of nature and climate, poverty equatorial elements that need to be carried out multi-million labor armies. He in detail paints the way people should dress, where to work, what to plant, what should be their houses with shiny cylindrical curved roofs that reflect the sun's rays, and saves people from overheating, while the energy derived from them will be used for steam engines. As he develops detailed plans to transform the desert, violent conquest of the elements of the seas and oceans, using their power of reflection.
Tsiolkovsky planning and carrying out a number of eugenic measures. Reproduction of mankind is spontaneously only until it reaches the limit. Thereafter, care must be taken as a population. People with various disabilities are deprived of the right to reproduce. The population is improved, and as it continues to increase, the surplus - the most perfect people - go for the atmosphere and fill the solar system. Humanity creates a home in the air, they are surrounded by the sun, and increase the wealth of people in billions of times. "Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in the pursuit of the Council and the space first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then will win all the space around the Sun" - are his futuristic ideas in the fate of mankind.
Coming out of its cradle - the earth, the people "will spend" on the needs of its essential humanity. There will be a complete restructuring of the biochemical terrestrial beings, instead of them formed a rational animal, plant, floating in an ethereal solar space and feed on sunlight. Thus Tsiokovsky constructs another utopia - creates a utopian ideal radiant humanity: "It will take billions of years, and again from the rays there top class material and will finally supernovae man who is so far above our mind, as we mentioned a single-celled organism. He will not ask: why? what for? He will know it, and, based on their knowledge, will build a world after their pattern, which is deemed the most perfect. "
But not only the fantastic views exhaust the cosmic philosophy Tsiolkovsky. The most promising in it - its active-core evolution: the belief in the upward development of the world and the nature of man when his mind becomes an instrument of the ascent. For Tsiolkovsky separation of conscious beings on their planet, space development and transformation - the inevitable evolutionary moment in the development of civilization, "What would be the point was The Universe, if it had not been filled with an organic, rational, sentient world?".
The implementation of such ambitious objectives Tsiolkovsky sees possible through the development of science and technology, which are designed to endow human qualities on several levels above ordinary everyday opportunities. It appears "... the need to create increasingly sophisticated machines that extend the power of man, his power over matter and space."
 Tsiolkovsky's ideas penetrate into the social, cultural community, fueling widespread enough then cosmism pathos, the conquest of natural forces of nature as the ultimate objectives of the new creative era as an open revolution.
Cosmism Tsiolkovsky has a specific social purpose - the perfect device life of mankind. The scientist wanted to "achieve perfection and banish any possibility of evil and suffering in the solar system." The basis of his utopian constructions was the belief in progress, that the world - a huge stream of developing matter where the human mind - the higher its link, and a later stage of development and is more perfect.
Global reconstruction of mankind's ideas on a reasonable basis, the creation of a new man, the cult of the future, and the denial of the past - all of it suddenly finds common ground with the Marxist philosophy and the official ideology of the victorious revolution. Their idea of remaking brings nature in general and human nature for the benefit of all people. Marxists at the heart of the restructuring of human nature are the socio-economic background. In Tsiolkovsky natural scientific calculations lead to the conclusion that in the future people will be fine essential rationally alter the nature of its own, going to a higher level of development.
Those and other human individuality is dissolved, subject to higher unity. The Company has absolute priority over the individual, which can be destroyed in the name of the common good in the process of moving to universal harmony. They converge in the ideas of rigid organization of society, the establishment of centralized management, the strict moral discipline and regulation, labor armies, which in practice have to realize lofty ideas.
The merit of KE Tsiolkovsky once cosmist philosopher is that he has made the transition from an explanation of the Cosmos to his conversion, he offered practical solutions in light of this most important goal for the human civilization. It is meant primarily its plan that included a steps of:
1. Total transformation of the Earth to meet the needs of humanity.
2. The development of near-Earth space.
3. The colonization of other planets and deep space, propagation of a shock wave in the mind of inanimate matter.
4. Conversion of human species, the emergence of highly organized race of intelligent beings that are adapted to life in open space.
This plan is supported by the discovery of the real ways to overcome the Earth's gravity and human space flight, it was equal to the discovery of Copernicus. If Copernicus destroyed the idea of the oneness of the Earth in the universe, KE Tsiolkovsky overcome Earth's gravity for the human person, and opened the way into the universe, turning it into space factor.
We estimate from the Orthodox point of view, religious beliefs KE Tsiolkovsky. Analysis of the primary sources easily reveal unorthodox "Kaluga dreamer".
The doctrine of God Tsiolkovsky - pure pantheism, it is directly at odds first member NTSSV. In the article "Is there a God," he wrote: "The conclusion is that God (space) does not involve the suffering and imperfection, and be kind to yourself, and therefore to us - its parts. Truly it (space) can be called the father and he comes to our definition of God. Such a God does exist, since it is impossible to deny the existence of the universe, its sovereignty, goodness and perfection. "
Tsiolkovsky Doctrine of the soul and life in a contradictory philosophy. In philosophy it is called pangilozoizm, although he called his teachings "monism." The soul does not die, it spills over into other atomic form, he thought: "I am a pure materialist. Do not admit but matter ... I not only materialist, but panpsychists recognizing the sensitivity of the entire universe. " Based on the foregoing analysis, neither of which Tsiolkovsky exercises with the view NKSV speech can not be - a mismatch in all positions.

A special contribution to the development of Russian cosmism introduced AL Chizhevsky, an outstanding scientist, the founder of helio - and cosmobiology. Space biology studies the dependence of all the functions of the living from the activity of the Sun, and more - from the space condition.
AL Chizhevsky created the heliocentric concept of world history, which traces the unbreakable link between the processes occurring on the sun, and socio-cultural processes taking place in the world. In his work "The study of periodicity process of world history" (1918), he puts forward and substantiates the theory geliotaraksii (from Ancient Greek helios -. The sun and taraksio - outraged), according to which all the sharp shifts in the world depends on the periods of solar energy activity. The impact of the Sun on the human body develops in the course of the historical increase in the multi-level impact on the turns and cataclysms in world history. So, Chizhevsky found that the revolutionary events of 1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, 1905, 1917, 1968., As well as the start of the two world wars, periods occur in "troubled Sun", an active sunspot. According geliotaraksii theory, "shelling" of the Earth solar radiation is accompanied by effects on the nervous and hormonal-endocrine system of the human body, which translates to "the potential nervous energy groups" into kinetic requiring speedy discharge in action. When in this case do not have any stimulating and organizing principles (certain social, religious, cultural ideals), there is a flash of unmotivated aggression, mass hysteria, anarchy, and so on. P. Out of this situation is thought Tchizhevskiy reasonable transformation of the earth's nature in order to improve sustainability of human (and therefore social) of the body to the effects of solar radiation, on what scientific and experimental activities Chizhevskogo was sent.
Scientist came from the fact that uniform laws are inherent in the entire world order: the motion of the stars, starry world, a living organism. On the basis of scientific calculations and calculations Chizhevsky came to the conclusion: organic and inorganic matter is subject to the same laws common to the whole universe. Chief among them - the correct frequency of the processes: "Life has its impulses, its periods and rhythms. Science of the future will have to decide the question, where are born and whence come these rhythms "- he wrote in his book" Earth echo of solar storms. "
In Chizhevskogo man concept - There is no biological (as claimed by natural science) and social and biosocial. Far from a passive role to Chizhevsky man in his works. On this occasion, rightly observes SG Semenova, "What is a man to do - to mature, learn and obey? Not at all! Getting into the nature of things for a person with a beneficent correction from the air we breathe (to create one that would promote our vitality and longevity), to harmful solar and cosmic radiation (to find a way of protection) - this was the practical purpose of research Chizhevskogo ".
Chizhevsky believed that his theory is not only the general scientific, and national importance. Holders of power, before proceeding with any governmental actions, you should know the state of the sun. According to the scientist, his theory makes it possible to forecast the near future, it allows to predict the behavior of certain social groups, peoples and even families.

Religious views Chizhevskogo AL follow the views of his teacher Tsiolkovsky. Like the master, Chizhevsky has repeatedly stated its materialism. But his "scientific monism" quite religious, the main principle of universal monism considers the principle of universal krugoobrascheniya - principium universale circulationis, which is subordinated to all things. It is impossible to prove - especially in the eschatological perspective, this can only believe. "The observations we have made on the ground, the eternal idea of his own death - are transferred and the whole cosmos, our cowardly feeling, but a broad view of the philosopher, according to the exact sciences with the greatest conviction disabuse us of this time, as a kind of independent entity, little by little! begins to lose its value by becoming directly dependent on the space, or rather from the movement in the space, creating a spatial understanding of time. begins to justify insight Apocalypse (Apokal., the X, 6) that the time "is not to be." The eternal cycle of things, eternal Timeless Return -. a great idea of palingenesis once become an objective property of Science until then mankind will still argue, arguing, or entropy of the world or the repeatability of events or even something new, but already now the largest minds tend to recognize the eternal circulation of matter or.

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18. ALChizhevsky, electronic theory and the genesis of forms // Archive RAS f.1703, op.1, 2. S. 175.