The Foreword

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All of us have fantasies during childhood. And by reaching adulthood, we merely forget about childish dreams considering them as void and unnecessary business, which makes it worse by taking up a lot of productive time. But, is this statement correct? Kid’s visions determinate one’s future profession, an inventor’s brain volitation leads to a new discovery, an artist’s fiction provides the basis for another masterpiece, an engineer’s creative search brings into the world a pioneer design, and so on, and etcetera. So it looks like fantasies are not prejudicial at all.

By refracting sights of reality through the prism of forgery, the mankind firmly wends the way of progress. Our imagination backs any creative process. It stirs up curiosity, stimulates intellectual activity, and opens up new vistas for investigation of unknown things. On the other hand, some fantasy facilitates survival in the existential jungle, it protects against stress, and opens a door into salvational magic world. The boundary between rational and irrational spheres is very loose.

Somebody able to see a dream can develop own advanced potential and talent, and can become a wizard by himself. You don’t need a fairy wand, spells, and drugs for this purpose, just penetrate the infinite possibilities of human brain, which keeps vigil day and night, even when we sleep. The rest of us are excited about the matters of the universe origin, a mystic genesis of life, and secrets of its genitors. Let's make the venture and consider several assumptions on that subject expressed by the author in the form of fantasy messages and fantastic attitude.

I forewarn every one, whose religious feelings could be offended with my fiction, that I haven’t meant your reading this. The global religions have much in common irrespective of differences. The scriptures are written by human beings, who mystically were excited to walk with gods, and supposedly each had own God. Personal belonging to one or another cultus keeps an individual away from kind of privileges ahead the others, this means that any faith has a right to existence, as well as atheism.

The contemporary science demonstrates some new methods of life reproduction, which previously seemed to be incredible, illusive, and superior. Once I had a dream that turned up as enlightenment, epiphany, and clue for me. Reflecting, I let my mind continue wandering along the abandancy of the inexperienced kingdoms.

It is no coincidence that we meet up. It’s also typically whatever happens during lifetime, regardless of time and circumstances. Every person writes own story, line by line, according to one’s heart appeal, lending to inside mission, and relying on reputed facts. Whether the history of this age is the same true, as the sail under the ocean depth, robots batch production or cloning, - time will show. Meanwhile, we have to pay more attention to global problems of the Planet, which people of Earth should solve all together, otherwise  the last disaster (as casual matter) comes imminent.

It doesn’t matter how far you can travel in your imagination, just remember that my characters and events are different from subjects and objects of your real circumstances, so, make your private interpretation, don’t be afraid of separatism and islamisation but resist, and don’t let be fooled by tricky political or economical epithets but insist on your point of view, subject it is fair for own destiny. Our life journey, as for individual, and for society in general, may be illustrated in the figure of long corridor with plenty of doors. Each door is equipped with a table containing a hint. Our sole choice determines, which to be opened, entered, closed or locked forever.