Chapter 5

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Nell was very excited of being there. He stepped over the gate of the exclusive club and felt how he entered an anfamiliar world. He found himself among all those fat-cats, destiny`s pets. Their brightness and glare stroke him blind. All he could do was to delight being under their splendor and admit that his life is blank. The indecently polite court-worker was licking their boots. And Nell understood that he deserves only that kind of life.
When they were going through the hall his eyes were caught up by an old-fasioned recorder that was standing next to a marvelous dwarf palm. It was like a paradise. While Nell was trying on the wealthy life, Mr.Moor steped up to his companion, that pulled him out from the office.
-Oh, you brought your friends! They`ll help you to survive the defeat!
-Hello to you too, dear Frank – said Richard   
Frank Picke did not have a pleasant appearance. Even one glance at him made a person flesh crawl. He was very tall (he could pass for a basketball player),   his eyes were sharp which could devour you in a second. His life was a great secret for everybody. That`s why there were a lot of rumors about him, that were begeted by his aspect. At the mere sight of Frank, Nell made withdrawals. He understood that he should stay away for him. But the cheaty, cruelles fate had smth for him to present. Maria came up to Frank. She pretended that she didn`t see Nell before. How could she do it? She was standing near distinguish money-bag, but she was perfect as many years ago, no, even more perfect. She was ideal. Her beauty was shining brightly and it seems that none of the existente cameras can record her charm. How could this princess stand with HIM!? This question gave no rest to Nell. It kept him still for a while but after several seconds his blood boiled.
-Can I play golf-? he shouted and interrupted two businessman.
-What kind of passion! Of course you can –answered Frank.
So everybody went to the court.  His brain was buzzing- “You`re an idiot, Nell, you`re ignorant in the rules of this game, you are a freshmen on the court! You only disgrace yourself”. With these thoughts he hit the ball.