Re Shakespeare. Case history of patient H

Иван Борщевский
Bethlem Royal Hospital

Patient Case Summary 1601

Patient H. Male: Age 16.

Consciousness is retained. The patient is oriented in time and space, excited but cooperative. Speech is loud, with inflection, however, the conversation is rambling and incoherent.

Patient’s step-father noticed dramatic changes in his behaviour (“inside and out he’s different from what he was before”).

H. is dressed untidily (his shirt unbuttoned and his stockings dirty), demonstrates signs of photophobia (“I’m too much in the sun”), and has visual and auditory hallucinations.

An interview demonstrates signs of existential anxiety and suicidal intentions.
Q. – What’s wrong with you?
 A. – The question is: is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to put up with all the nasty things that luck throws your way, or to fight against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and for all?
Q. – Why are you thinking of being dead?
A. – Dying, sleeping—that’s all dying is—a sleep that ends all the heartache and shocks that life on earth gives us—that’s an achievement to wish for. Fear of death makes us all cowards.
Q. – Can you tell me about the heartache?
A. – You know, the abuse from superiors, the insults of arrogant men, the pangs of unrequited love, the inefficiency of the legal system, the rudeness of people in office, and the mistreatment good people have to take from bad…

H. presents a danger to himself or others.

Diagnosis: Drug-induced psychosis? Bipolar disorder?
Recommendations: Psychotherapy. Drug therapy.

Physician: Horatio

Этот текст - моя конкурсная работа "Перепиши Шекспира". Конкурс проводился в рамках года английского языка и литературы в России. Его суть - выступить  в роли соавтора Шекспира: выбрать известную сцену или монолог из любой пьесы  Шекспира, переписать текст на новый лад, в новом стиле, при этом сохраняя общую сюжетную линию и действующих персонажей.
Я использовал известный монолог Гамлета ("Гамлет", акт 3, сцена 1).
Ну, а сам жанр вы видите - история болезни пациента Г.