Chapter 3

Тори Клим
After several days, in the morning he resolved to ring up all his old friends, even from school, in order to find a work. His efforts were not in vain. One friend redirected him to a company which required an accountant and he was registered to the interview on the next day! He was so happy that he had got that brilliant idea. Knowingly speak that an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. But the weather didn`t string along with his fortune and decided to rebel at the next day. Instead of customary fog, the sudden downpour accompanied by thunder lightning occurred. This has not gone without a trace. The streets were flooded, many traffic accidents happened and even one tree fell on wire and ripped it. By chance, it was the wires that provided area with electricity where Nell lived. But he didn`t heard anything and slept like a log, as he has drunk sleeping pills because he was looking forward for an important, but hard day. During the first sweet moments after awakening, he enjoyed an incredible sense of peace and appeasement. Moreover, Nell was overfulled with energy and he felt that he could move mountains. However, his happiness dissolved very quickly as he understood the reason of vivacity, he had overslept.  He couldn`t believe in this mockery of fate, but he had no time for blaming her. He quickly put on clothes that came to his hand, simultaneously knocking down all things around him. Nell was like a bull in a china shop. With dishevelled hair and untidy clothes, he hurried to work. As on the streets were traffic jams cars stood unmoved. The situation in the underground was not better- the doors could hardly closed behind crushed crowds. So Nell decided to run as between two evils `tis not worth while choosing.
Drowned like a rat, he ran at breakneck pace. He ran so fast because he was chasing for his dream and it was probably the last chance, which fate presented him. At one moment it seemed to him that he had wings, he was flying like meteor.  He ran across the road which was lined with beautiful trees and a new housing development that was towering above like a fortress. It looked like nobody in this gorgeous city could suffer. Carried away by his thoughts, he inadvertently turned round the wrong corner. And it was not accidental. He ran into an alleyway where the homeless, who lived from hand to mouth, huddled. It disillusioned and devastated him. He was thinking about the coast his and their lives.  Just one step separated them from the housing estates of the rich, but in fact they were in unbridgeable gulf from their happiness. Nell realized that he must get hold this work, otherwise these homeless and he may become companions in misfortune. After several minutes of deliberation he went to the interview.