Reflections on the Journey

Шевцова Татьяна Николаевна
Journey… It always seems to me that a long journey is uniquely romantic, when you go, let's say by train, looking at the window where buildings and trees are passing and listening to the measured sound of the train wheels. Is there any other time in our life when we can be so calm and free but for a journey? When we are able to simply sit down enjoying landscapes and realizing that all troubles fade away? There are no worries right here right now, which means right here right now they don't mean anything.
So here I am, sitting next to the window, looking at instantly changing views and thinking. Our life is so similar to this journey. Alternating landscapes behind the window pass by just like all the circumstances of our life change fast and irreversibly. We live in a material world where everything consists of a certain substance. All things around us are material, and our feelings and thoughts are material, too. What else can I say – we are material. The question is whether it makes any sense. Because all this material stuff in our life is changing as fast as pictures at the train window. So, can a couple of trees that I've seen a minute ago be valuable to me minding that right now I see a river?
It turns out that a rapidly developing world around us has actually nothing valuable. Honestly, how could something that stays with us for just a moment be important? And is there anything that remains during all our life, piercing time and space that no matter wherever we go and how much time passes, it permanently stays with us?
 I believe there is. I am convinced there is other world, a non-material world. It comprises of nothing but still exists; it doesn't appear by itself but is formed on the base of material world. Material world serves as a basement for building non-material world, to be precise, we serve as a basement. We create this 'world-from-nothing' with our feelings, sensations, presentiments and unrealized wishes. But any energy inside of it, both positive and negative, transforms to harmony. Harmony and peace of mind are the only ones that exist in non-material world. In different ways we all strive to harmony; we are looking for this magical world which, unlike material one, is never changing. But how do we get there?
When I'm on a journey I think I can feel this world. I look at the passing landscapes in the window and catch my soul touching something filled with harmony. Is harmony really out there, behind the train window? No, no, no. I look at the pictures surrounding me but I see something inside of me instead. The truth is that non-material world, the world of peace and freedom, exists inside each of us. This is what always stays with us and remains during our life. Harmony that we are looking for is inside of our souls. We are so likely to make all things too complicated, and we don't see something when it's easy to reach, we look for it in most distant and inaccessible places.
This is our life: a never-ending search, an aspiration for 'something-we-don't-know-what', a journey in which views are changing every minute. A lot of it passes by without even leaving a sign, and only something that was with us from the very beginning remains.
It's good we have journeys in our life. A journey is not just going from one place to other. A journey is time. It's time to think, to reflect or vice versa, to get rid of thoughts; it's time to understand what is really important and what is senseless. A journey is an opportunity to look inside ourselves and finally find something that usually gets lost among inexorably running moments and irreversibly changing circumstances… To find ourselves.

August 20 2015