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I remember my grandmother wearing her “gartl” (girdle) every day underneath of clothes, I remember her well enough to see her face. Her name was Anna and she was sixth child in family, if my memory doesn’t play with me a joke. She had eight children and only four of them survived. She was highly religious women her husband was less. When he moved to the city from the village, he shaved off his beard. His father never shaved his beard. He was eighth child in his family. Wow, he also wore long traditional shirt, upon it was his upper girdle. He wasn’t homosexual, he was good for foreign people, but he knew nothing about multicultural attitude, it was wild for them to go out from family, even continuing to live together, I mean to be cold and official inside the family. On free from moral modern European society I think he would spit seeing competion to gain next orgasm for orgasm and next intoxication for intoxication. Not to work and not to pray what’s miserable life it is: to seat and to sell something non really important, to advertize new interesting sheet every day.
Were they Jewish? No, I’m a proselyte. They were normal.
Today I remind the situation in late Roman empire: birthrate goes down, barbarians in the army, poets adored them they “full of life power”, different sins became acts of righteousness. I’m filling, that there is more similar things between my ancestors and between religious Jew, than between them and modern European modernists. Hard to admit, but some defect was in Greek, Roman and a number of eastern cultures, which brought them to the mouth of tomb. I don’t want to enter to the quarrels why it had happened, but the fact is, that the parable of ladder of Jacob works. We can accept or not accept the theory of Veksler about beginning of European Jewry (although hard to deny 12% of European (Slavic) genes in Ashkenazim), but I can certainly understand them. There is a special term in Talmud – “ha matzil miyodom” – “(he) rescue from their hands”. It’s usually used to characterize situation when in different problematical circumstances from the point of Jewish law, like in fairy trade of idol worshippers Jew can levy his money. Usually it’s forbidden to participate in the fairy trade of idol worshippers, but only in that time this gentile has money. Here I’m offering another meaning of this term – conversion of gentiles to Judaism in order to save their healthy values and identity as a whole.