About vacancy with verve

Оксана Бендюкова
In what cases should be shocking job postings, for what and how to do it correctly.

Shock!  A beautiful word! We often pronounce the words and do things to stand out and become more visible, attractive and brighter. We want to be remembered, as we were told, and returne back to us. All that we want, but do not always use for that shock. Sometimes silence becomes golde. Silence can also be shocked. However, in terms of the vacancy announcement just need few words. True, clear, coherent and whole. For whom and why they need to shock, and whether - let's now analyze.

What is shocking? As we suggest dictionaries - it is scandalous escapade, defiant behavior, violation generally accepted rules and regulations. It may be a joke, or maybe intentional abuse , sometimes people commit such acts out of ignorance. Until we know that this is out of ignorance, we believe this action trick or novelty, a marketing step. And when the truth is revealed - then shocking loses all its meaning, it becomes a nuisance.
I will not give advice in this article about "when and how to / do not write scandalous job advertisning " , but I give my opinion on this subject, based on his 16 years of practice in recruitment. I will tell you about their experiences.

We are looking for staff in very different ways - on employment sites, facebook , internal recruitment through a personnel reserve, recommendations, etc. and HR is at most two roles:
Strategist - where we plan human resources, define a target audience, based on the business objectives;
Performer - we have got the application for recruitment, this  is a vacancy and it is clear who are looking for.
In the case of the role of the strategist, we define the target audience, its volume, supply and demand for it. If the competition of employers high  - we laying costs in the budget for recruitment , which will allow us to stand out.
Example: million's people city, a lot of companies with call centers, you recruit all year round for its call center guys without experience, Generation Y. What is important to them? Accessibility, utility features.
This can be done by conventional methods, knowing funnel of recruitment;  for example, videos, attracting the attention of Generation Y. As an option - movie career Tinkoff Bank https://youtu.be/cCIIp3PNvp8?list=PL8120FBB4ED96C9EA.
This video is designed for a group of jobs for young people without work experience. He spreaded on social networks - viral marketing.  Still - fun (unusual office and possible role), with a call (appeal is to young professionals, and the hero in the movie in a nice office), on the verge of what is permitted (in the frame half-naked girl with explicit intentions).
Conclusion: I think that will bring you more results likely inclusion in the budget for the non-standard measures will be justified. However, it will work in any advertising - to the cumulative effect, work on your brand. These shocking videos would rather information occasion, consolidate your company name in the minds of young people, for which you will "hunt".
The second option - you in the role of the artist. Already approved the schedule of recruitment (or there was an urgent vacancy). Every recruiter knows that in this case a quick response is important for the vacancy / resume. Recruiter always assess the situation on the supply / demand in the industry and in the specialty.
And here the most important - comprehensive, clear compiled vacancy (goal, functional responsibilities of the position, its place in the company's relationship with other departments in the company, properly formulated requirements for experience, personality, capabilities of the company, it can offer to the applicant).
Example: personal assistant. The specialist, of which are many, but will only one suit your boss needs. Who was looking for this - he will understand me, "need to some really special"! And what shall we do? That's what I did: shocking ad in social network Facebook. Yes, this "strict" position I place shocking post.
The essence of it was this: to have not seen / heard / read, with what would have faced Personal Assistant  - he should be able to capture the essence, transformed into a well-present  format and present the result of his head.
After all, the boss is not always in the mood, it may be personal errands or touch very closed the business, the higher the position of the head, the more often the political game that a young lady can be not only incomprehensible, but and rushing her boyish.
 So - once shocked by  text that will recognize only those who can read between the lines. I then called the post "I will take the girl to the content." And it was true: we were looking for the girl on the complete supply  from the company, and instead relied on her time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
 This does not mean that she was working around the clock, it was a normal schedule, but it could require the company at any time (for example, when the boss on the other side of the planet can not take off because of bad weather and its task was to find a way in time to deliver the boss's office at the appointed time, maybe he plan the Board of Directors not to be missed).
One day when I got a hundred resumes with good cover letter (although in the post about them was not a word). The next day there were 2 interviews, and selected finalist.
Now let's look at the role of the applicant. What he sees in the controversial job?
I am unique, narrow section expert, I have a rare qualification. I like a many ,i  can always find a job if i would wish.
In the first case, a specialist rather looking for work through the recommendations, and even visits the site of employment, it is likely to find him. Hi will find a little positions , almost all of it familiar, he would carefully study area and the employer . It is more important than the content, not the style.
In the second case, your creativity can play in your favor. I often tell candidates that responded to the position just because it is "caught" both content and style. The applicant draws attention to the salary that you specify (for example, in Krasnodar, even in wholesale sales income is not great, but I need an employee who does not want to settle for middle-income countries and is ready to make more than enough.
Because I put in my job high bar salaries at the meeting on examples show how it can be achieved, and it is - a reality); or the ability of the company - if a person has a wonderful mix of experience, knowledge, interests, he may suddenly find a use for them in your job (for example, a mix of areas such as automotive education, experience programmer and spoken German language - at the time the company Robert Bosch with my help find such a specialist, which allowed it to develop a new trend in Russia to establish a program to replace Russian-made car parts at Bosch parts directly to car repair machines in the diagnosis). Conclusion: The candidate with a typical viewing experience typical job rather allocate one that puzzled him, excited, forced to think and react.
So, when a shocked vacancy get votes "for" and when "against"? My opinion is that if the correct shocking - almost always. A little bit of humor, sexuality, provocation and call never hurts. Candid outrageous things I'd never used - at least because it is disrespectful to someone who sees you reading. As one of my teachers in consulting, "if you can not speak out loud about sex, you can never talk about business, it requires even more courage and energy."
Now about the job. That it may be shocking? Let's look at the points of its structure and content. Most often it begins with the obligations then the terms and conditions. I'm always a little bit to expand the content.
About company. It does not matter that you have a description of the card of the employer. It does not matter even what you can write to the corporate e-mail, in which there is a link to the company website. One suggestion - the importance, of course, reflects the industry sector, the scale of the company. It's like "hello" when meeting.
This smile, a nod, this is an opportunity to introduce themselves. And if you have an advantage or disadvantage - you can this "trump", for example, we can be "Meat King" or "the Chocolate Factory, Charlie," you can become a "small and cozy kingdom of children," or (he was still a masterpiece, it is Me real!) "Shocking beauty salon in Butovo", "transparent safe" (it's about the bank) ... The main thing - to be able to smile and turn lemons into lemonade!
People are looking for and why. Remember, as it happens at the meetings of anonymous somebody? For example: "Hi, I'm Sherlock, and I'm an addict." All at once they understand where they are, with whom and why, is not it? The same is true in the job. What do you say the phrase "We are looking for the Secretary?" Never mind. Routine work, regular post. And if you write: "Wanted office-lady, strict and integrity."
Now what? For example, I once imagine that responsible, important and significant. Even if it is a small piece of the business, for it must be held accountable. So, it's important work, and most importantly - it is already treated with respect future colleagues. The probability of response of the candidate is already higher at times.
Duties. Here important capacity, conciseness and logics. Reading this unit the candidate should understand and clear as much as possible. Even the biggest job description can be formulated in 7-10 sentences. The main thing - the logic. In this respect the seriousness of the unit is worth, even if all the job - one big shocking.
However, dry typical phrases are useless. Even if you describe the duties of an accountant - divide this part into 2 blocks - the roles and responsibilities, to make it clear for which part and how much should meet the required specialist. By doing this you do not have to disclose information about the composition of accounting.
Requirements. I prefer to write "our expectations." Why? Because it is a respect for the one who is reading you. My opinion. The labor market - is an agreement, even if you already have an employment relationship. And besides, it's a great way to specify exactly your expectations of the candidate, not the requirements that regulates the Federal Law № 1032-1 from 19.04.1991 as amended. on 02.07.2013, the You can always write that "would like to see a pretty girl in the office of the Secretary, but also bearded guys have a chance, if you are qualified."
If you write about any experience or skills needed which clearly can not be traced in the item, explain why you are waiting for this. For example: "English is needed to communicate with the amount of free phone calls to foreign partners." People still adequately assess their capabilities when they understand the purpose of our wishes. In this job, you can block "quarreling" on the theme of unacknowledged experience or knowledge. Remember the example of the company Robert Bosch? It is from this series.
Working conditions. Again, I write always different - "We offer". It's delicious, it's nice, it's about the agreement. Here, as in the "About", you can play on the brink of a foul. Required items - of course. But even they can be beat. For example, write not only about the office, but also about the team, which will have to work the required specialist.
For example: "You will be working in a team of professionals from Kazan, Minsk, Saratov, Yekaterinburg and London." Is not it a challenge? a) pro, collected from different cities and countries; b) it is not the only one, the visitor; c) the tolerant guys, once they manage to get along in such different cultures; etc. Or another example: "Chart - not normalized until then, until you start earning so much that you want to say" pot, do not boil! "
Another unit, which is often overlooked. Tell the candidate "goodbye": leave your wish; promise that the answer to all the responses; thank him for his attention to the job and to give it time;  ask for advice, if after reading the job, he realized that it was not for him; invite them to look for other job your company ... it's only a smile when saying goodbye to part as friendly as met. All of this - your image, the company's brand as an employer. Memorable for its style, humor, respect and positive.

Do not be afraid to break patterns, creativity is rarely harmful. In the worst case - it does not cause concern. In the best - raise questions that will allow you to continue your dialogue with the candidate, not now, then later. He still remembers you! Shocking - is a scandal, a provocation, a challenge and drive it like a lemon - you can do lemonade  from it .