
Дмитрий Саврацкий
hundred ten 10s
hundredth position 100 in a countable series of things
sintered formed into a mass by heat and pressure
kindred group of people related by blood or marriage
hinder be an obstacle to
handwrite write by hand
centered being or placed in the center
interred placed in a grave
handled having a usually specified type of handle
honored having an illustrious reputation; respected
thunderhead a rounded projecting mass of a cumulus cloud with shining edges; often appears before a thunderstorm
unhindered not slowed or blocked or interfered with
handed having or involving the use of hands
dunderhead a stupid person
sand reed European maritime sedge naturalized along Atlantic coast of United States; rootstock has properties of sarsaparilla
Hindemith German neoclassical composer and conductor who believed that music should have a social purpose (1895-1963)
handheld small and light enough to be operated while you hold it in your hands
handhold an appendage to hold onto
handmade made by hand or a hand process
handmaid a personal maid or female attendant

formed into a mass by heat and pressure