God and Democracy

Замир Осоров
(extract from "The golden eagle of father Sharip")

The truly Democrat-ruler is those  who creates a system that works properly by itself, when people are going to forget who their president, ministers, mayors and so on. And these people are working better and better, made own choice and happiness and prosperity themselves. The system allowed it.
The true God if he was really existed and participated in creating this world seems to me as source of such great Democracy, which not only created a perfect world and the laws that work properly without him, but hidden himself completely, so that no one has able to discover Him, nor calculate.
Why he did go for such trick?
Because he wants at first place that all nations have to believed and even worshiped more to Democracy, than to God, and through such belief and action opening their own unlimited powers and resources for changing the world according with laws and principles of Democracy. 
If God has shown himself openly, people going to believe more to his miracles than to Democracy. God put the principles of Democracy above themselves, behaving as the truly great democratic ruler.
Only the laws of Democracy can tell us about the true nature of God, who seems to be saying to all of us - no matter believe you to me or not and once more have I really exist or not  - you have to make their own destiny and to be happy, increasing and strengthening Democracy.
That’s why those who deeply respected and loved Democracy will respected and love God and Mankind and future and they will be blessed from generation to generations as Abraham's sons who inherited the land and great number of nations on Earth.