The fox and the grapes

Алекс Дайхес


A hungry Fox has broken into a vineyard.
Ripe brunches of grapes, while dangling all around,
Entice, allure and tempt above the ground,
However, reaching them is definitely hard.

The Fox had jumped in an attempted to climb,
Approached then from left, from right.
He tried all his tricks for so many a time,
But finally had lost the enterprising fight.

Unluckily for the Fox, there was too many a slip
Betwixt the cup with grape and Fox's lips.

The problem was not for a fox to overcome:
Too high the branches were for our clumsy chum.

Dripping saliva, the exhausted Fox had walked away,
“I easily could reach the grapes, if I had wanted to.
Unfortunately, I'd found to my complete dismay
The grape's unripe, so I refused to eat it, pooh!”

Of course, my friend, it was a sheer lie,
So let me a handful of some truthful words apply:

“If one can do his job the best
He does it and his effort's blessed.

Who cannot – he will always choose
To find an appropriate excuse.”