A rag doll

It is a  warm summer evening. We sit together with my  mother whom I had not seen for ages.  There is a teapot on the table  and we drink tea with milk, sipping from a saucer and dipping dry bagels in the tea.

"I'm so glad to see you!  You are young and beautiful. "

"No," my mother laughed.
"Look,  already  I am grey at the temples. Better tell me about your life, how are you ."

"Well, Mum. I am fine. I live in a perfect place on the beach.
Do you see a silvery car? This is mine. If you wish,  we can  ride in the wind.

"No, I do not want to,"cried my mother in confusion. "I have never  been in the car since then."
"My  daughter, how you changed!"
"Mum, I have  grown up and I am going older without you. Your grandchildren are adults already."

Mum got up from the table, tall and slender, and began to admire the photos of grandchildren  on the wall.

"Now it's your turn to tell me."

"I'm happy and calm too,only I miss  you. My  thoughts are always with you.  If I feel sad, then  I  start... to sing.
What? Do you sing? wow...I remember how well you sang a long time ago  with our accordion. Let's sing now?
We started to  sing funny songs,embracing each other.
We sang  all of  my mother's favourite songs  and we roared with laughter. We could not stop.

"Tell me, please,I was a naughty girl and you loved me less than my siblings? "
Mum nodded,
"No, my silly girl, how can I love my fingers on my  hand  differently ?"

The sun went down behind  the clouds and it was beginning to get dark. Bagels with tea were over and we  moved onto the salad and herring.
"Mum,I remember  how you made me a beautiful dress. I was  the most  well-dressed  girl in the classroom and I was very  proud .
Your handmade dolls were very funny and we took care of them.
Every morning  you braided  my pigtails with  colourful ribbons, but nasty boys hurt me by pulling  them off.

Mama smiled again.
"This is normal work for all mums. What's the big deal?"

"Yes, nothing special. Of course. Do you know how I needed your support? I've been  alone all my life. Why did  you leave  us so early? I was only 10, and my brother 3?"

Silence. It was quite dark and  Christmas lights  illuminated all around. Mum sat silently, gazing thoughtfully into space.

"Mum, take me with you,"I muttered again.
"No, daughter, not  your time."

"I want  to go with  you,"I whimpered tearfully, somehow turning into a small fair-haired girl who clung tightly onto  mother's skirt.

"Whew, whew,"something twitted  in my ear.