Falcon 9 was not allowed to fly the Aliens

Ностр Адамус
28 June 2015 failed launch of the Falcon 9 cargo to the ISS.
Already first posted online video of the launch of give grounds to assert that the explosion was not without the help of a UFO.
At the picture is specially cadre taken with video SpaceX, since it is clearly time fixating speed and altitude of the rocket. The starting cadre 00.19 sec: with a rocket in the middle and the object near her - we added other UFO sightings recorded with the fixating time. So the Commission is not difficult to view the video and make a conclusion.
If something unknown appeared once while shooting a movie the start of Falcon, it would be possible to talk about a coincidence or illusion. But UFO was accompanied by a missile from launch to explosion and appeared in the lens after the wreckage left of the cadre. Already on the first video from NASA and SpaceX at the end of the movie, is seen as one of the "debris" makes distinct movements: first, coming down, then - up, then - down, but the video stops.

Appears and "a pair of UFOs", as in the crash of the Proton at 16.05.2015. On video it is visible as the pair objects flies over to Falcon after the explosion. http://www.proza.ru/2015/05/23/2039

We have often said that if UFOs want their "work" notice, they leave "business cards". In this case, the "business card" was the height of the disaster Falcon-9. The rocket exploded after the passage of the 44-kilometer height. The number "44", translated via Russian alphabet, is the word UFO (N-15+L-13+0-16).

About the reason of the next blockage Falcon -9 was stated in an article dated 16.09.2014, when the UFO one day not allowed to fly the two missiles: the American Falcon and the Russian Union. http://www.proza.ru/2014/09/16/1819

If you compare the picture of past and present articles, the relationship between disasters is obvious, since the date of the launch is 22.08 and 28.06, - the intersection is the number 28.

Last time ended in failure two starts - American and Russian.
Today blew up an American missile. But Roscosmos has already stated that the goods which were not delivered to the ISS of the Falcon can deliver the russian Progress, starting on 3 July. Only, this Progress have the room as of today's date disaster Falcon – 28. So Progress can unable to launch. And the reason is still the same, as in the past, which became countless: – Aliens require immediate contact with the Earth at the official level.

Grigoriev Yuri and Anna Ajaja