The cryptographic response to the Fermi Paradox

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Grigoriev Yuri and Anna Azhazha
researchers of  UFO's  information

Discovered a new approach to the question of the «great silence of the Universe» that allows you to give an answer to the «Fermi Paradox» and delete «the Drake equation» of the main criteria for the search of Extraterrestrial civilizations.

«The Fermi paradox» questioning the existence of the ÅC was formulated in the private conversation the outstanding Italian physicist Enrico Fermi in his work by the Manhattan project at Los Alamos national laboratory (PCs new Mexico, USA). Date statements was referred at may 1950. [1]
The Drake equation or «the Drake equation», which allows to determine the number of Extraterrestrial civilizations for contact, was announced in November 1961, during a meeting at the National radio astronomy Observatory green Bank, West Virginia, USA. [2] the meeting discussed the results of the project «Ozma»; a series of experiments conducted in 1960 by the search signals from the computing centre. [3] One of the participants was an American radio astronomer Frank Drake, who has proposed a formula for estimating the possibility of communication with Extraterrestrial .
Part of the answer to the «Fermi Paradox» is already contained at its conclusion: «the Connection is a common belief that in the Universe there are a significant number of technologically advanced civilizations, with the absence of any observations that would confirm its, is paradoxical and leads to the conclusion that either our understanding of nature or our observations are incomplete and incorrect».
It is an incomplete understanding of the nature [4] and the use of incorrect models for knowledge turned out to be the «great filter» that prevents Extraterrestrial Contact and that led to dubbed the Paradox of the discrepancy at the estimated  number of advanced civilizations in the Universe and with the lack of observation their vital functions.

The original vulnerability of  «Drake’s Formula»

If we consider the «Drake equation» as a response to the «Fermi paradox», based on a strictly scientific approach to the problem of possible existence of  Extraterrestrial civilizations, we can ask ourselves several questions.
Because of the reference to the Fermi paradox and the «Drake formula» spawned perennial controversy on the topic «why is silent the universe?», and not about the possible number of  Extraterrestrial Civilizations with which we can make Contact, it seems, in the context of the lack of evidence of the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations and should consider the applicability of the arguments of these two scholars?
- Adequate and acceptable from the point of view of the whole of science, calculations of  «formula Drake» to answer the question about the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations? Because the formula is made from purely astrophysical criteria.
Possible was in the 1950s-60s, did the scientific approach to search for evidence of  Extraterrestrial Civilizations, except for astrophysical research?
Under a strictly scientific approach, we wanted to understand impartial scientific examination of all possible solutions to answer the question, in this case, on the evidence of the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Let it be not only material traces of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations, but also theoretical justification, which may lead to the detection of such traces. If the science is to be considered only election solutions, neither of which the triumph of truth and justice cannot be and speeches. And then, as a consequence, the search for the answer to the «Fermi paradox» has no other meaning except as an empty dispute between the opponents, which  unwilling to hear each other's.
The meeting at the National radio astronomy Observatory green Bank in 1961, where he was dubbed «the Drake equation», has been very limited range of 11 people, most of whom were astronomers and physicists. The question of possibility of communication with Extraterrestrial Civilizations  was considered only from the standpoint of astrophysics.
Therefore, when reasoning about scientific unproven existence of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations  you have to understand that a conclusion about their absence was made based on the astrophysical research, which later acquired the status of a secret final verdict on behalf of all Science.

Despite the scientific arguments of astrophysicists, their strategic mistake similar to the mistake of a first-grader, who decided that, if he came to school, he immediately capable of solving problems of any complexity. Learning to make part of the laws of physics to astronomical objects, astrophysics has decided that enough is enough on behalf of all of Science to assess «the silence of the Universe»: what is the output of man in near space and a telescopic view of distant stellar spaces sufficient for understanding the structure of the entire Cosmos.
Don't even need special evidence to understand the fallacy of these findings. Not part of Science to be responsible for all Science, regardless of its many arguments from other fields of knowledge.

Today, Science has a great understanding of the world than 50 years ago, more than free discussion of forbidden topics, new discoveries in astrophysics, all of which deprive «the Drake equation» status primary criterion in answering the question of «silence of the Universe».
If we consider the «Drake equation» as the opinion of astrophysicists on the reasons for the lack of  Extraterrestrial Civilizations  for the subsequent verdict of the Council on space research of  National Academy of  Sciences of  the USA, even then, she did not meet the scientific requirements.

All variables of the equation are estimated values based not can be based on accurate measurements due to the variability of the relationship between time and rate of scientific knowledge. Since the Foundation of  «formula Drake's» the principle «one percent (1%)», known since antiquity, the calculation will always have a known result.
Let our galaxy of 100 billion stars. Even if one percent of them have planets with the same conditions as the Earth. The intelligent civilizations should be... a lot. Why are we not seeing?
In fact, since 1961, the set of variables «formula Drake» has not changed, as then proposed astrophysical approach to explain the «silence of the Universe».
If today there is scientific dialogue about the Extraterrestrial Civilizations, it is still not beyond the scope of discussion only astrophysical research methods, which are far from the whole instrument for the cognition of reality. As a conclusion: because of the narrowness of the range of search, Drake, the astronomer who originally chose for his equations a limited set of variables, leaving outside the scope of their perception of other methods that would more than justify the possibility of the existence of reasonable Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Was there an alternative to "the Drake equation"?

Already at the time when he was dubbed «the Drake equation», one argument in favor of  Extraterrestrial Civilizations all was well known, it is a UFO.
This argument, as evidence, repeatedly put forward by the supporters of the existence of  the Extraterrestrial Civilizations, but Science is constantly dismissed as inexplicable and has no material evidence. But what is the true cause of the failure? After all, rejecting the fact of  UFO sightings, science is in conflict with a part of  their scientific methods:
; observation and taxonomy: when, where and how;
; measurement parameters: the speed, the characteristics of displacement;
; comparison with earthly aircraft;
; sustainable repeat appearances, as a principle of  legitimacy and the basis for further experimental studies.

The only thing that does not suit the official science, is that the control experiment is on the side of the UFO. In other words, mainstream science has no material evidence of  UFO to make a conclusion about their nature. But «bazon Hicks», however, like many scientific hypotheses, at first the way was just an idea. And here is the very material observation of UFOs and the possibility of exploring their various influences. The logic of failure Science of UFOs, as the main evidence for the existence of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations?
After all, if  we assume the inverse problem: to official science has found evidence of the extraterrestrial origin of  UFO’s, it will immediately come to the proof of the existence of  Extraterrestrial Civilizations. It turns out that Science simply does not aim to provide such evidence, or may deliberately not put so as not to come to the obvious conclusion?

Not all famous historical nuances, in which was born the Fermi paradox and the Drake equation.
Two scientists with fundamental knowledge: nuclear physicist and radio astronomer, fascinated by the idea of searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, make an attempt to justify the existence of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations and, thus, are silent about UFO's? What is it?
In today's assessment of the origins of the controversy about «the silence of the Universe» is very important to understand the circumstances of these half-hearted solutions and consequences from them, which could give positive results even in those days.

It was the 1940s war and postwar years. The United States developed and used nuclear weapons in August 1945 into the war against Japan. Perhaps, as control over mankind, began to commit mass UFO sightings over the United States, and as a result of these appearances - the state has included the mechanism of concealment of such facts. Began a time of secrecy and subscriptions not to disclose information about UFOs. [5] the Reasons were put forward different ; from positive to keep the population from panicking, to the secret, according to which UFOs may indeed be the representatives of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations. This conclusion followed from the scientific analysis of super abilities, UFO's, are not comparable with the possibilities of earthly technology. In the postwar period this distinction was easy to understand and the military, and scientists. It is post-war «low-tech» was trying to give a definite answer about the extraterrestrial nature of UFO’s. Hence all the talk about UFOs in scientific circles was regarded, on the one hand, as the disclosure of state secrets, and with another - as a threat to the discrepancy between the academic rank.
It is very important to understand that scientists have dominated the time when they dared, contrary to the official position, to speak about the computing centre and UFO's.

According to the memoirs, Fermi question «where are they?» sounded in the private discussion closed report about the recent UFO sightings over the United States. And this territory was the Laboratory for nuclear research at Los Alamos, new Mexico, where the appearance of UFO's were recorded regularly. And then, in this context, replica Fermi belonged in the first place not to the Extraterrestrial Civilizations, and UFO's. And she gives him as a great skeptic asking the question as opposed to the facts of UFO sightings, maybe just flying a few hundred meters from his lab, or a very loyal public servant, who did not want his good opinion became the property of the management.

The skeptic, in the truest sense, Fermi difficult to call. As a logician, he preferred only proven facts. For him would be the fact to see UFO itself. But, based on his question «where are they?», himself Fermi UFOs are not seen. Therefore, as a logician, he immediately your response reinforces the next logical calculations, in his opinion, denying the existence of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations, and therefore UFO. But his «refutation» Fermi makes while talking about documented spans UFO above his work space?!

Could Fermi, in the absence of fact of  UFO sightings, to Express the relative harmony of their existence in the conditions of the ban to discuss this topic?
To this question the answer can give the memories of his wife Laura:
«He quickly learned that it is useless to resist with senior. So he kept at it even as a teenager! If they want so he behaved well, ok, perfect! He's going to do; easier to get along with them than to go against them. When you know in advance that your way will not work, no point trying». And further:
«Enrico had the amazing ability to never speak without thinking; he spoke carefully, weighing his words and he never allowed himself to say anything if he not will sure». [6]

«The Drake equation» was announced in semisecret conditions.
The so-called Ñonference at Green Bank in 1961 was only the closed session at the National radio astronomy Observatory green Bank, with a very limited circle of scholars. In the circumstances of the ambiguous reaction of the scientific community they were allowed to gather and assess the results of experiments on the search for signals of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, conducted a year earlier in the framework of the project «Ozma».

Here it is also important to understand the logic of what is happening.
The Council on space research of  National Academy of Sciences of the United States decided to hold a closed meeting on the possibility of communication with Extraterrestrial Civilizations.
Hardly scientific Institute that rank and directions agreed to support the project, and then discuss the results, based on altruistic considerations to help separate the astrophysicists in the proofs of  the existence of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations. So, for the organization of the project «Ozma» there were good reasons, of which the most direct, is already proving the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, could only be a UFOs whose arrival in the earthly boundaries were traced from the heights of inaccessible aircraft at the time. Therefore, the project «Ozma» their aim was «not to find ourselves Extraterrestrial Civilizations» and assuming that «they're over here», to try to «establish communication with the Extraterrestrial Civilizations».

After all, UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Civilizations, it like two sides of the same coin. One without the other cannot be. If are supposed what the UFOs are  extraterrestrial anthropogenic  objects, they are clearly the product of  Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Hence, the frequent appearance of  UFOs over the United States may be the attempts of Extraterrestrial Civilizations  to make Contact with Earthlings. And how to install it, if not with the capabilities of radio astronomy? But for this, and was allowed scientists to gather and discuss the perspectives of possible Extraterrestrial Contact.

This raises a number of questions. If the main reason why the government allowed the experiments for the project «Ozma» was to find the UFOs, to determine in outer space any negotiations or signals, whether knew about this Drake, as the initiator of the project? Or he had no idea that the results of his experiments, the state uses «in the dark», which logically thought that if the radio telescope will be recorded UFO, they are past the Academy of Sciences will not pass. Possible over Drake and his colleagues at the time of the Conference prevailed the secrecy of the topic, and they could not officially bind the UFO to conclusions on the finding of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

That is, since the Fermi question «where are they?», hidden its cause - the UFO fixation, remains in the shadows, although it is the main argument for all your software search verfication.
But, thus, be an understatement, «the Fermi paradox and the limitations of formula Drake», initially bypassing their findings, the involvement of UFOs, like not the cause of long-standing scientific controversy about the search for evidence of the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, but a well planned withdrawal of all inquirers away from direct evidence. In this context, long-term work SETI is represented not as a project to find the Extraterrestrial Civilizations, but as a shadow program for interested providers to curb interest in UFOs, as the undeniable proof of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Today in the conception of work of SETI  indicated that UFOs as evidence of the existence of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations are not accepted. [7] SETI stands on the position that UFOs are secret technologies earthlings. In other words, the only organization dedicated to the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, immediately eliminates the main proof of his existence. This accurately checked «exception» represents the position of scientists is more than strange.

Thus, if the basis for a model to search for evidence of the existence of  the Extraterrestrial Civilizations to take the reality of UFOs, as their obvious manifestation, and not the calculation of probabilities of the existence of  the Extraterrestrial Civilizations on the «Drake equation», the «Fermi paradox» is easily solved. Moreover, today's space surveillance capabilities enable clearer than 60 years ago, to assert that UFOs come from outer space.

Moreover, in the proposed «the Drake equation», rather justifying the lack of Extraterrestrial Civilizations  than their presence, violated the logic of the study. At the beginning of scientific research has always indicated the calculated target, and then, using the hypotheses and their evidence for the purpose of a road is being built. The UFO is a calculated reference point, proves the existence of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations. And then, as a consequence, infront of the official science there is a logical question that returns to the replica Fermi, but in a different context. If manifestations of  UFOs, as representatives of the EC, so much, then why aliens still has not provided the Earthlings of their substantive evidence?
In other words, in a similar example, for vehicle should must be the orientir   by which he sets a course to its shores, not that, when this orientir did not exist in nature, and the captain, which being in the open sea, was trying to find the right direction to shore. In an existing filling «formula Drake» lacks supplements: what to look for as evidence of the existence of  EC. And this evidence must be unambiguous logic and not polemical assumptions of similarity «space miracle». [8]

Suppose that in the early 1960s it was not possible to capture UFOs in near-earth space, as is done today, but with high probability at the time it was possible to assume that the observed characteristics of  UFOs are not subject to earthly technology. There already existed a variety of  programs to collect information about contacts with UFOs, and on the basis of this information already then could be given a definite answer about the existence of  EC.

Even a superficial reasoning about UFOs, as about presumably extraterrestrial objects are would lead to the obvious conclusion:
- that the observed characteristics of  UFOs are may not be piece production.
- For the production of the series should be certain power base and their placement.
- During the post-war years, when were dubbed «the Fermi paradox and the Drake equation», so the relevant interested bodies and the scientific world definitely knew that high-tech resources no were at no state of the world.
UFO needs someone to build, manage, maintain, to post.
Here you need a scale of production, which has not gone unnoticed on the Ground.
In that case, if on the Earth there is neither capacity nor conditions, nor the intellectual capacity to create over tech apparatus of the time, it means that the UFO is not created on Earth.

The fact of anthropogenic nature of UFOs ignored by the participants of the conference in green Bank (Green Bank) in 1961, where it was dubbed «the Drake equation», which makes it not just vulnerable, but useless from the point of view of impartial scientific argument, which must be an analysis of all possible evidence. And let the UFO until you can't touch it, but honest approach to the arguments they are more «visible» as evidence than the alleged astrophysical calculations.
The Drake equation, without considering UFOs, as the main evidence in favor of the EC is just a private opinion of an individual scientist, but which, nevertheless, was helping people who «believe» in UFOs to organize the program SETI, but false scientists and skeptics are hide behind him, as «irrefutable» scientific argument.

But even if not to take into account the UFO as a direct proof of the existence of EC, then in the 1960-ies, there were already tools of analysis, the theory of similarity and modeling techniques [9] [10], with which it was possible to find a model that would prove the existence of the EC. So, from this side, «the Drake equation» is merely an ill-conceived and erroneous argument. But, from that day until this time, it was possible to fix the formula?! What's the reason for stagnation of scientific thought in the direction of evidence for the existence of the CC?
In fairness, it should be noted that the F. Drake thought their formula is not the answer to the Fermi paradox, just attempt to limit the numerous search criteria until the number of EC that are acceptable for discussion.

The more affordable solution "the Fermi paradox"

A new approach to the question «lonely mankind in the Universe?» or «why is silent the universe?» is offer to answer from the perspective of modern astrophysics, and through the application of methods of the science of Cryptography to the  signals which received from outer space already, whose source for the radio astronomy remained unclear, and, therefore, could be attributed to the EC attempts to contact Earth.

The task of developing methods of communication with the EC, on the basis of the General theory of language and the General theory of decoding and set in 1964 in Byurakan, according to the results of the «First all-Union conference on the problem of extraterrestrial civilizations». [11] the Work was done, but the conclusion was negative: that the contact between civilizations through the communication channels is not possible. [12] This conclusion was the direct result from choosing of the wrong premise: what if the Terrans and receives a message from aliens, it will be something that will be difficult or impossible to decipher. [13] the Reality was much more optimistic.

One of the versions of  «silence of the Universe» is the assumption that the Terrans until «something» do not understand in the dialogue with the Cosmos, the signals from the EC already received but not recognized yet. It turned out that this version is close to the truth, more than the others.

When the basis of their research, we put the ancient formula of  «microcosm and macrocosm», correlating the model of  the earthly world with the possible device of extraterrestrial worlds, it immediately became clear that this is the method that allows you to see adjacent to the Terran worlds: how they live and how to communicate across boundaries of space.
Literally, in the ancient formulation of the method and means: the processes happening inside a person, similar to the universal processes and are subject to the same laws.

Our solution is a consequence of the analysis of the systemic laws that underlie the earth of the device, and which is outside of the influence of man. That is, speaking the language of computer, an separate system laws is part of the software world, which cannot be changed without the intervention of a Creator.

One of these systems is the fundamental «program of communication» many earth organisms, which have the function to generate sounds in a connected meaningful speech - a person, or, as it appears, incoherent - in the animal world.
But in both this set of sounds is «limited by the combinatorics of which all beings endowed with voice, talking in their groups and are able to understand their neighbors in the animal hostel".
Program voice communication is the system is because it is acquired as a consequence of growing up, and is already built into each of the body  at his birth. Since the system is voice communication can be traced at all levels of the earth's organisms, it follows the axiom that such a system of communication extends to representatives of extraterrestrial worlds, such as parts of an entire universe.
This extrapolation, in turn, may be explicable by the laws of fractal physics.

In the context of our proposed solutions «to the Fermi paradox», we pay special attention to the fact that the basic mechanism of the process of communication is «the combination of a limited set of sounds to compose them into a coherent speech».
To see how important this system program in a person's life, it is enough to realize the fact that «every spoken to them the word obeys the law of combinatorics limited number of letters in the corresponding alphabet». If every spoken sound or letter were original then composed from them chains of sounds or words does not give in to recognition.

In the earthly version, the set of sounds corresponds to the marks of written speech, which is enshrined in each language group as its alphabetical order, or more precisely, is an alpha-numeric order. This arrangement  is part of an unchanged system pertaining to the organization of the human device. Hence the statement that the same alpha-numeric order is the basis of the speech of the representatives of Other Worlds.

Having come to the conclusion that different levels of Universe devices have a common basis of verbal communication, is to recognize sense of sounds the value of the Signal EC, if any, adopted by earthlings already.
The solution to this problem, by analogy with mathematics, can be called "reverse proof".
If the Terrans in the conceptual basis of speech is an alpha-numeric order in which  when compiling  of primary importance are the letters, then the aliens, when staging indirect Contact  pointing the person to a certain terrestrial's letter will in any way designating it as "serial number" known to man in the alphabet.

This confirmation operates under the following prerequisites Prior Contact, which also is system:

1) «the Aliens know all about  Earthlings»; the opinion expressed by the a priori most people when their judgment about the Alien intellect which is far ahead of the human, due to the difference in the lifetime of civilizations.
The system reflected in the evolutionary model of the stages of growing up human. It is assumed that an adult must know all that a child knows. At this point in time at Science has dominated the reverse premise: if there was no direct contact with aliens, then they nothing should be known about the earthlings.

2) the Person must have a clear sequence of what the Official Contact between the Worlds must be preceded by a preliminary Indirect Contact, with the aim of identifying the feasibility of direct communication. Consistency is reflected in the social model «prior agreement of the parties (via e-mail, call, or mediator) for an official meeting, during which the conclusion about its feasibility, and negotiated the terms of the meeting».
Today people imagine a meeting with representatives of the EC as not petition with the guests. Misunderstanding of the process of the Contact generates a distorted paradox between the idea of the high Alien intelligence and the arrogance of their actions, which entails human fears and concerns.

These assumptions are enough to recognize a number of already recorded manifestations of the Extraterrestrial Civilizations , which can be interpreted as an attempt of their «indirect contact» and understand the reason for the lack of physical evidence of the EC as the fear from the consequences of direct Contact with haphazard thinking civilization.

Thus, the search for evidence of the existence of Aliens and how they communicate with Earthlings moves at a closer distance than astrophysical observations and arguments, and for all the region. The result of the search in this area is directly dependent on properly selected analog models and famous but forgotten part, laws voice and written communication, most of which were found in the repositories of historical cryptography.
Exactly the science Cryptography are for to detect, distinguish, understand, and determine the authenticity of information [14], which comes to Earth from a reasonable Space of at least two clearly extraterrestrial channels - through "crop circles" and through the analysis of the places of UFO sightings. Of course,
we are talking about a genuine «circles and UFOs», which has distinctive characteristics from fakes and errors of observation.

For several reasons it is necessary to give first place the methods of Cryptography in search of evidence of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

1) It is to experts in deciphering, in the first instance, contact the authorities with the opportunity direct alien's Contact.
In that case, if the language of the Guests will not be human's, the first thing that is done, it is recorded at the Contact of the voice of the Aliens will try to understand by using cryptography techniques. In other words, will attempt to identify the individual sounds of speech, to make the alphabet, and then a dictionary of Aliens.
Radio astronomers must contact with the cryptanalysts, when they receive signals from space that relate to the artificial signals. Perhaps many of these signals would have been already decoded.

2) People don't always understand that any information coming from the surrounding space in his brain, in it first passes audio, visual, tactile deciphering. Is then mapped to the accumulated in the memory of man the intellectual knowledge base, and search results, is perceived by consciousness in its final submission.
The work of reception and recognition information inside the human brain is almost instantaneous, because many do not even suspect the existence of a mechanism of deciphering the human structure, but should be familiar with it from high school. If the intellectual base is very small and limited part of any bans, then the surrounding space is perceived by the person in a distorted understanding.

Thus, the process of deciphering is a systemic barrier between coming-to-person information and its understanding. Hence the axiom extends to information coming through the border Worlds. It's like a language barrier between people who speak different languages, but using the same mechanism of verbal communication.
In order to link two similar and even different systems, you need a special connecting mechanism, which synchronizes the two threads, or transforms one into the other. Such connecting mechanism between the electromagnetic signal which received radio astronomers, and possible hidden information in it from EC, can only serve to Cryptography.
Moreover, such a precedent with the search key to the code already was in the world during the Second World war, when it was created a special unit for deciphering the cipher machine «Enigma». [15]

Thus, the error the radio astronomy lies in the fact that they didn't pass their signals from space to the next instance - to cryptanalytic link, which should be the last word about emptiness or the reasonableness of signals. Radio astronomers had hoped that their own filter base background noise good enough for a final verdict.

In the end, a careful inspection of doubts Fermi's «where are they?» and echoing his calculation Drake  «if so many of them» revealed the real reason «why silent Universe?». «Silent» it is only because of a misunderstanding of the process of dialogue of the Cosmos with the Earth.

Revealed a number of apparent reasons for the «silence» that is evolutionary rather than intellectual. Man, as a creature of civilization, not expanding their horizons, superficially perceives information that is not included in the scope of his professional interests, refuses to admit the errors of your ways and unwilling to accept other arguments except his own. It follows that the elementary solution of the problem «are we Alone in the Universe?», question, for nearly 70 years with his position, remains open. [16] [17]

We discovered a cryptographic method and calling  it "Algorithm Extraterrestrial communication". It allows you to read the information, which considered to this day unsolved and relevant to the alien origin. First of all, it should be considered: signals from space, crop circles and features of appearance of a UFO.
Here are some of deciphering extraterrestrial information obtained by means of a cryptographic method. Selected examples are of key importance in their respective categories for further studies of similar information by this technique.

The WOW Signal, recorded as part of the SETI program

When decrypting method was applied alpha-numeric analysis of the possible alphabets: English and Russian. Information, clearly reflecting the consistency of encryption, revealed through the deciphering through the Russian alphabet.
Following some matches identified in the primary analysis, we assumed that the WOW signal (1977) is the first Alien's reply to Message earthlings into Space from the Observatory in Arecibo (1974). Further alphanumeric analysis confirmed this assumption numerous intersections.
The information transmitted in the Signal WOW, was warning about the asteroid threat and that the Aliens are testing the intelligence of  Humans, estimated it insufficient. The General conclusion of decoded information Signal coincides WOW with the premise of the question of  «silence of the Universe» - the intelligence of Humans below normal. So the Aliens not promising Direct Contact is currently. [18-22]

The deciphering images of  «crop circles»

If we assume that «crop circles» are alien messages for Earthlings and contain hidden information in images, then must be present hints on the ways of  their reading. Cryptographic analysis fully confirms this assumption.

In the title of  the County of  Wiltshire, in the UK, where the most frequently on cereal fields are fixed mysterious icons, found the hint to decrypt them.

For detection of the hidden information was enough for one admission combinatorics. In the set of letters of the title WILTSHIRE revealed two logically understandable words - LETTERS and CIPHER. Thus, in the name of the place of occurrence of the «circles» contained a proof of their «outsider» authorship and the first clue to how to decipher the image. Need a Translate it into words and using alphabetic cipher, to extract the hidden information.

A separate images were a direct hint to the fact that they are encrypted cryptograms.

The image of the «star» was encrypted in two ways: combinatorics and alpha-numeric order of the Russian alphabet, the only clue was a visual similarity to one of the «stars» with the Kremlin star.
The cryptogram «star» is the key to all images of  «crop circles». It indicates that each image is coded cryptosystem which based on the alphanumeric order of priority of the Russian alphabet. The process of decryption is the same: to translate the image into words and try to discover hidden information through alphanumeric analysis. More precise information opens in Russian language.

The purpose of the separate occurrences UFOs

The definite prerequisite about that «the Aliens know about all earthlings», allows you to see thoughtful action in many of the UFO sightings, and, therefore, qualify objects as technological product Other Reason.
For example, the appearance of UFOs near the aircraft does not mean the assumption that they have an interest in the earth's air technology, - but the fact that they represent themselves familiar to earthlings word. Moreover, in two languages simultaneously.
Using a cryptographic method for the analysis of UFO sightings, it becomes apparent that the word «aliens» - the ALIEN is hidden in the set of letters of the English word AIRLINE, and - in its Russian translation by AIRLINES - in the transcription of ALIEN.

In the following example, the emergence in 2009 of a huge cloud over Moscow with the end point of its movement in the Strogino only cryptographic method allows you to see how how in the title of the selected hovering "clouds" written "
card aliens" - "GUESTS from OTHER SPACE".

Thus, a stable detection of hidden information from a variety of traces and actions of presumably alien origin, reflects the effective work the russian "Algorithm Extraterrestrial communication", which is based on a cryptographic method of analysis that, in turn, speaks about the scale of sensible manifestations of Extraterrestrial forces on our Planet.


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