
The minivan managed  by Derrick stopped at the hotel at 9 am next morning . Wе went то another hotel and took other aviation enthusiasts, of which were 6. Derrick was at the wheel and we went to Duxford. They put me on the first seat next to Derrick, and Sergei with two other aviation enthusiasts got behind us, and the last row took the youngest fans of aviation.
Derrick also read us a lectures with Lucy, so we knew each other.
Once we were in a break with Derrick and Sergey and talked about the problems of aviation. And Derrick is Scot. Then I remember that I said  if Great Britain  had such a Perestroyka all Scots would be without skirts!
And now we're in England and going to Duxford! Of course, Derrick knew about Douglas Bader and about the most effective fighter in the Battle of Britain (Hurricane) For some reason, many people mistakenly believe that it's Spitfire!
Undoubtedly, Spitfire, is classified as one of the best fighters of World War II, but not the best! By the way,  Derrick never claimed it! That information, that the two French pilots of RAF and the Normandy-Neman met on Spitfire and the Yak-3 in the air in studing combat in 1945.It was not known to him. The winner was  the pilot Normandia- Neman. Derrick said that the 30,000 pilots of the RAF killed in the war. Interestingly, that
the same figure for our pilots!
The Air Museum of Duxford is the part of Imperial War Museum. The museum sent me an information about Air shows every time and every time I desperately wanted to be in Duxford! I would crawled even when being half-dead, but I sent them a letter saying them that I am unable to cover more than 1500 meters  ...
The museum of the Royal Air Force met us with sunny, clear weather and Hurricane fighter on the podium. The joy and pride for the British Air Force held apart my chest and fears that not endure to the end of the visit with my friend had gone. Concerns had disappeared completely when I was given a wheelchair - electric, which I had, and explore and to see the museum.
A great vehicle for the people with disabilities, but I would increased it speed!
A cardiac arrest just had happened with me in the first hall . My eyes began to scatter in different directions. And if not a great force of will, laid down in the deepest depths of my boundless soul, the heart would not start, and the eyes could not be collected in a heap!
There were totally 8 pavilions. That were a lot for a minimum of time that we had. To my eyes was presented Lancaster. (heavy 5 t  bomba was dropped in Holland! in 1944(The first was in the USSR in 1943)The bomber Lancaster was in the first pavilion of museum.
Of course, the famous Spitfire, of course, the world's first airliner Comet (in 1952 it fell apart in the air due to metal fatigue. Until 1958, the British engineers have studied and eliminates the cause. (And during this time was built Tu-104, which by metal fatigue does not fall apart.) not far away stood Vulcan strategic bomber. That was able to deliver nuclear strikes on the Soviet Union. It was  clearly that the  speed was not enough.
The second pavilion kept Flying Legends. Of course, it was the famous Spitfire, I had even seen in the air! B-17, Lancaster, Catalina, which was prepared to take off, Helket,  Corsaire, De Hevilend Dragon and others.
We were offered to fly on Dragone 1934! Of course, it is worth a lot, but is worth the money the Aviation pleasure? We had to fly in a couple  hours.
The third pavilion was devoted to the history of Duxford. In 1917-18, in 10 kilometers to the south of Cambridge was opened the training base pilot training. During the First World War there were hangars for aircraft maintenance and this made the work of more than 800 people. In 1920 there was opened Flight school, which is closely linked with the University of Cambridge. The development of new aircraft were happened there.
The pilots of the Royal Air Force began to rearm with Gloucester Gauntlet on Supermarine Spitfire in 1938.
During the battle, the Battle of Britain in 1940, the   pilots of RAF reported that they had destroyed 178 German aircraft with the loss  56 RAF planes.
Here was  set the very first locator that allows to detect German planes before their entry in the attacked zone and very surprised Germans, whose losses had increased.
Then, in 1944,   8 US Army began based, which carried out raids on Germany during the day time (the British carried out raids in the night)
From there, the Gloster Meteor took off, the first jet airplane in Britain  .
Duxford  became the part of  Imperial War Museum -one of the most prominent aviation museums in the 1970  Photos, planes, aircraft ...
No. The speed was evidently to be slow.
The fourth pavilion. Battle of Britain. In the hall it was presented Hurricane-the most effective fighter in the Battle of Britain, the Spitfire and Messerschmitt -109E carefully preserved and brought down on British soil.
The speed was too slow!
Anti-aircraft guns and fire trucks were also in the hall . London suffered greatly from the raids Nazi aviation, much more than for example, Moscow. By the way, the defense of Moscow  was better .
In the fifth pavilion were the restoration work. The respect  climbed in my soul Of course, it must be support from the state.On the information  how to preserve the history, it is possible to judge about the health of the state. I realized that our country is very, very hurt! And it may be light at the end of the tunnel.
The sixth pavilion talked about planning operations. They were mostly amphibious operations. To the right was the installation of V-1 from which Germans were shooting  London.On the left there were parking places with planes. (I did not know that it was possible to go into the cabin) passenger planes.
We went along the parking of Vickers Bayskaunt, Valletta, Trident, VC-10.
We were rapidly moving to pavilion number 7 Nearby the F-15 stood at the entrance  protecting the American pavilion. The Aircraft of a Cold War is not interesting for me, because this time  very upset me.
In the pavilion were presented U-2, B-52, F-4 Phantom, F-105 aircraft Thunderchief- it was the Cold War and I was not very pleased.
Derrick did not know, and you can also do not know.
P-47, F-84 and F-105 were designed by Alexander Kartveli who came from solar Tbilisi. The airplane P-47 was a further development of the SEV-3.4,5,6,7
Seversky was from Petersburg, he  flew during World 1 and shot down, if my memory serves 13 German planes. In 1917 he immigrated to the United States but only after 10 years received citizenship . Igor Sikorsky, Alexander Seversky and Alexander Kartveli created even aviation company. Igor Sikorsky organized his and Seversky and Kartveli -
Company Republic Aviation Company.
In American pavilion we quick snacks and to catch a flight in time.
Sergei and I and two other guys flew to De Havilland Dragon of 1934! The flight lasted only 10 minutes, but there were more happiness!
We returned to the hotel, had lunch at the restaurant. Derrick did not want to go because. that his son had a birthday, and we  were with Sergei, who gave me these unforgettable days.
On the last day we walked around London. I rode on the Ferris wheel, the highest in Europe! More we were in the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Science Museum.  We got acquainted with the architecture and arts and crafts of several countries in the first museum . In  the second museum there was an exhibition designer Yamamoto, who led all connoisseurs delight, and I did not understand. All right. we avoided the queues and waste of money!
But I really liked Science Museum !
There was also a collection of the first steam engines and cars and airplanes.
Planes were original and models. There I saw alive seaplane Supermarine S6, which in 1931 developed a speed of 655 km per hour, and this record was not beaten more than 10 years!
There I saw the Me-163, the canister flying with poison alcohol. But developing a speed of about 1000 km per hour.  Nazi Germany hoped to prolong his agony, but in vain!
Sergey had already departed. Things had been already collected, the last breakfast in our hotel, at the bottom we had waited for a taxi to Gatwick. We rushed for one hour and 80 pounds . Then we drove on a special electric in the airport. I even did not had to wake up!
Airbus of air company of Rossiya took us from Albion, which became for me less vague and more sunny!